I want to reiterate that the mid-term is asking you to apply a Buddhist lens to whatever medium you are preparing for answering the mid-term questions. You only need to answer one question per the attached assignment. Your response should come from the heart and relate to something you enjoy (musical composition, pet care, video games, short plays, sports announcing, painting, a mental health regimen, a corporate diagram, physics equations, poetry, recipes, a political campaign slogan, dance, photography, the periodic chart, the legal system, yoga poses, TED talk, dream analysis, sailing, hand-stitched robes, and/or whatever speaks to you). You can submit this separately to me by email or hand it in directly in class.
Previous students have knitted the three poisons, made a karma video game, made a fan out of fake money for donations to monks, painted the 6 realms, made a movie about how to be Buddhist, baked cookies to represent the three-fold world, made a video of a cooking show about caramelized onions as a metaphor for meditation practice, made a pamphlet for a medical clinic with Buddhist ideals, and so on.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Be creative and have fun! You will submit your 2-3 page written portion on D2L.
The alternative for the mid-term is that you analyze a non-Dharmic film, song, radio program, or book like we did with Taylor Swift’s “Karma.” In the past, students have analyzed “The Matrix” or “Star Wars.” Again you are applying a Buddhist lens and answering one of the two questions you are presented with in the assignment (also attached here).
We will make time in class for everyone to share whatever they have come up with for the mid-term. It’s an informal presentation, but do note that your attendance is required to receive credit for that portion of the mid-term.
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