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Problem-Solving Scenarios Directions: Review the “The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools” and consider what you have learned about relationship building, group

Problem-Solving Scenarios

Directions: Review the “The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools” and consider what you have learned about relationship building, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving and address each scenario below. Complete the “Reflection” section below the chart and support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources in the “References” section.


Potential Resolution

In 2-3 sentences, identify specifically how you would address each scenario to resolve the conflict.


Provide a 2-3 sentence rationale that supports the selected resolution. Include a discussion of how the resolution employed specific research-based best practices for relationship building, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and/or problem-solving.

Character Virtue

In 1-2 sentences, explain the specific character virtues that are demonstrated in resolving the conflict.

A principal remains after school one day to complete some unfinished work when a staff member comes into the office and asks to speak. The staff member informs the principal that they are about to lose the family car if a payment is not made by tomorrow. The total due with back payments is $2650.00. The staff member breaks down crying and asks the principal if there is anything at all that can be done to assist with obtaining funds for the payment as this vehicle is the primary transportation to work for both the teacher and the teacher’s spouse. The teacher fears that they will both lose their jobs and that their children will be affected if they are unable to get to work on time. The principal explains that they empathize but do not have that amount of funds handy. The staff member asks if perhaps they can borrow it from the school’s petty cash as a fundraiser was just completed so there are funds available there. The promise was made to repay the money via check within two weeks, which coincides with payday.

As the principal, you have just received a call from the local teacher’s union. The representative has shared with you that a few teachers within your school have stated that the school’s morale is very low and that they are being treated unfairly. The representative went on to say that no one within the school is happy. The representative said that when asked if these concerns had been brought to the school’s principal and the individual indicated they had not.

The local community center’s gym is flooded and they were supposed to host the boys and girls community basketball tournament there this week. The head of the program reaches out to the school and is unable to reach the principal, so he speaks with the assistant principal. He asks the assistant principal if it would be possible to use the school’s gym and since the basketball tournament is on a Saturday, so there will not be any interference with school operations. The assistant principal responds negatively, informing the head of the community program that the school does not want anyone from the community coming into the school and potentially creating a mess. The assistant further states, “The community cannot just come into the school. It doesn’t work that way.”

As a new high school principal in a rural school in a small town, you have noticed that there has been an acceptance of truancy, passing students without earned merit, and lower expectations set for academics and behavior on campus. You seek to gain more insight with a respected teacher who has been teaching at the school for over ten years. You learn from this teacher that this has been the unspoken norm due to the demographics of most of the students. Most families live within the low socioeconomic area and receive assistance to support them. In addition, you learn a large population of your families is dysfunctional within the home dynamics, due to the current state of the economy and lack of jobs in the area, as well as suspected drug abuse and dealing. Where do you begin to state your expectations for your faculty, students, and community?

A new professional development policy was recently initiated by the school district. The district expects all staff to take a professional development training series to support an understanding of promoting an inclusive and culturally responsive campus and culture. As the asynchronous professional development series rollouts for learning and completion, you have been made aware that two faculty has missed the first two module deadlines. When you reached out to these two faculty members, they both expressed that their voices were not heard when the training policies were being discussed and voted upon for implementation. Therefore, since they were not a part of the decision-making process for this new training, they do not feel they need to complete it.

Reflection: In 250 words, address the following.

  • Explain how knowledge of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model can be used to make decisions about the type of relationship building, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving techniques that will be most effective in addressing conflicts when they arise in the school environment.
  • Explain how advocating and modeling virtuous actions during the conflict resolution process and demonstrating respect for the diversity of others in addressing conflict can create positive school ethos and a supportive school environment where stakeholders feel valued.

References: Support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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Problem-Solving Scenarios Directions: Review the “The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools” and consider what you have learned about relationship building, group
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