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To explore leadership in nursing from different perspectives encouraging the student to examine the importance of leadership in influencing and shapin

Unit Title : Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module
Word Count : 4000 words
Assessment Type : Assignment
AIM : To explore leadership in nursing from different perspectives encouraging the student to examine the importance of leadership in influencing and shaping nursing practice
Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment – Ireland.

Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment – Ireland.
Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1.Critically discuss the theoretical approaches to leadership and organisational behaviour in healthcare;
2.Critically discuss factors influencing and shaping both the health care arena and policy developments;
3.Critically evaluate the role of leadership in change management;
4.Critically discuss strategic management, service planning & financial accountability 4000 word assignment

This assignment requires you to draw on concepts covered during this module and critically discuss the statement ‘“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge”
• Demonstrate your knowledge and your ability to apply theory to practice
• Broad assignment recognising that students taking this module are at different stages in their careers and have different roles within healthcare
• Facilitates you in exploring and writing about leadership in a way which is meaningful to you.
• You are more likely to do well in an assignment when you write about something which interests you or with which you have had a close association.

The following list is an example of what you could base your discussion on but is not exhaustive. You may choose to discuss
• leadership within localized specific incidences of care/management
• leadership within your organization
• major national issues such as the cervical check scandal or the abortion referendum and the leadership lack of leadership evident

Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment – Ireland.

Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment
When writing ensure that you:
Maintain confidentiality of individuals and your organisation at all times

Write in the first/third person

Substantiate your discussion always with reference to relevant literature.

Introduction :
Your assignment should begin with an introduction. The introduction will set the context for the assignment.

Your introduction should set out how you are going to address the statement so the reader knows what to expect throughout the assignment. The introduction provides context and signposts the rest of the work.

Main Body
You will not be able to cover all of the concepts delivered during the module and I suggest you keep it
to approx. 3 concepts and discuss these in detail.

Keeping in mind the learning outcomes for the module, potential concepts for discussion within the assignment are leadership theories, leadership styles, factors influencing change management and policy development.

Content from lectures on emotional intelligence, resilience and inter professional working along with the
use of examples from practice may also be useful in illustrating and illuminating your discussion.

Ensure that a coherent thread runs throughout the assignment.

Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment – Ireland.

Advanced Leadership Professional And Clinical Module Assignment
Conclusion :
Your conclusion should tie the assignment together and remind the reader briefly about what has been
discussed. You should not include any new information nor should any references appear in the conclusion.

The maximum mark available for this assignment is 100%. As for other modules in these programmes your work is examined for its demonstration that the learning outcomes are achieved

To explore leadership in nursing from different perspectives encouraging the student to examine the importance of leadership in influencing and shapin
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