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MMH4MHD Mental Health Diagnosis Assignment

Assessment 2: Written assessment
Assignment type Written assessment
Weighting 45%
Word count / length 2000 words
SILOs 1, 2, 3, 4
 Due date Wednesday of Week 5, 23:59 (Melbourne time*) *For current Melbourne time, please check information under the Assessment tile in the LMS of this subject.

Topic overview

In this assessment you will undertake a detailed examination of mental health diagnostic criteria. In Assessment 2 you will look more in depth at one of the diagnostic topics presented across this subject. You will write about its definition, the diagnostic criteria from DSM-5, prevalence, prognosis, treatment options and consider the issue of stigma experience associated with the particular diagnosis you chose diagnosis.

Choose one diagnosis from the below list and focus your assessment on this diagnosis:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Bipolar affective disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Substance use disorder

Note: Many of these diagnoses have different subtypes in DSM-5. You can choose to whether to focus your assignment on one of these subtypes or on the diagnostic area as a whole, though whichever you choose, make sure this is clear in your introduction.

Assessment criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

  • Introduce and define your topic and present your assignment aims (3 marks)
  • Provide an overview of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria (10 marks)
  • Identify the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options (14 marks)
  • Identify any stigmatising issues that relate to this diagnosis (10 marks)
  • Conclude your assignment (3 marks)
  • Use appropriate written communication and referencing (5 marks)


Focusing on one of the mental health diagnosis presented across the six weeks of this subject content (see list above), research and develop an assignment covering the following points:

  • Title page. The title page with your name and student number as well as title of the assignment / subject name (use the cover sheet template provided).
  • Introduction. Introduce your assignment and indicate the aims for your assignment.
  • Overview of diagnosis. Provide an overview of the DSM-5 criteria for this diagnosis.
  • Prevalence, prognosis and treatment options. Provide an analytical review of the diagnosis including any alternative diagnosis that could be made. Discuss the prevalence of this diagnosis within the Australian population. How does it compare to world-wide rates? Discuss the prognosis for a person living with this diagnosis. Present and examine any treatment options along with commentary on their effectiveness.
  • Stigma. Present a discussion exploring the impact of your chosen diagnosis on the person. Examine the stigma associated with the diagnosis and consider ways to diminish experiences of stigma because of the diagnosis.
  • Conclusion. Conclude your paper and provide a reference list.
  • Reference list. All references must follow the APA 7th edition referencing style. Students are encouraged to paraphrase sources of material through the use of their own words wherever possible. Excessive use of direct quotes may result in a decreased grade. Non-acknowledgement of other authors is considered as plagiarism according to University policy and will result in fail grade.

Post any questions to the discussion forum for Assessment 2. There will be further thoughts about this assignment posted here. Please do not email questions.

Presentation guide

  • Your assignment format should use 1.5 line spacing and 12-point font (as per the APA7 guidelines sans serif fonts such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode and serif fonts such as 12-point Times New Roman and 11-point Georgia are considered acceptable).
  • Left and right margins are to be set at 2.5 cm (equivalent to 1”).
  • Use the APA 7th edition referencing style of author and date.
  • Write in the third person at all times.
  • The assignment must use appropriate headings to identify each section of the paper.
  • Word count does not include citation, title page or any appendices.

Submission format

In keeping with La Trobe University policy, all assignments are to be submitted through Turnitin, available via the subject LMS. 

To be accepted, your assignment submission MUST generate a similarity score (you are responsible for checking the overall score and report). Submitting in PDF format is the best way to do this. If your submission does not generate a similarity score it cannot be checked for plagiarism and therefore will not be marked.

Click on the below headings to reveal further information.

Presentation guide for assessments
Referencing guidelines
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Assessment criteria / grading rubric
CRITERIA A: Excellent (>80%) B: Very good (70–79%) C: Good (60–69%) D: Acceptable (50–59%) N: Unacceptable (<50%)

Introduce your assignment and outline the aims and scope of the paper (3 marks)

Includes an excellent, plain- English introduction that crystallises the key message and engages readership. Includes excellent and clear aims of the paper and addresses scope so that the paper is focused. (3 marks) Includes a very good, plain- English introduction that crystallises the key message and engages readership. Includes very good and clear aims of the paper and addresses scope so that the paper is focused. (2.5 marks) Includes a good, plain-English introduction that crystallises the key message and engages readership. Includes good and clear aims of the paper and addresses scope so that the paper is focused.  (2 marks) Includes an adequate, plain- English introduction that crystallises the key message and engages readership. Includes adequate aims of the paper and addresses scope so that the paper is focused.  (1.5 marks) Inadequate or missing introduction. Inadequate or missing aims and scope. Not able to identify a clear Introduction (with a clear heading) that sets out the aims and scope of the paper. (0-1 marks) No clear introduction (0 marks)

DSM-5 diagnosis criteria (10 marks)

Provides a vivid and detailed overview of DSM-5 and provides an excellent critique of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.  Provides a thoughtful and insightful discussion breaking down and exploring the key elements in the diagnostic criteria and their implications for the diagnosis overall.  Excellent use of in-text citations to support your work.  (8–10 marks) Includes very good overview of DSM-5 and provides a thorough critique of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.  Provides a well-developed discussion breaking down and exploring the key elements in the diagnostic criteria and their implications for the diagnosis overall.  Very good use of in-text citations to support your work. (7–7.5 marks) Includes good overview of DSM-5 and provides a sound critique of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.  Provides a sound discussion that starts to break down and explore the key elements in the diagnostic criteria and their implications for the diagnosis overall though more development need to fully realise this.  Reasonable use of in-text citations to support your work. (6–6.5 marks) Includes adequate overview of DSM and provides a basic critique of the DSM diagnostic criteria.  Provides a rudimentary look at the key elements in the diagnostic criteria and their implications for the diagnosis overall, though this lacks the necessary depth and detail required.  Very basic / patchy use of in-text citations to support your work. (5–5.5 marks) Inadequate or incomplete overview of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and no meaningful critique. Inadequate use of in-text citations to support your work. (<5 marks) DSM-5 diagnosis criteria section missing. (0 marks)

Identification of the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options  (14 marks)

Extremely thoughtful and highly engaging discussion examining the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options relating to the chosen diagnosis.  Excellent integration of in-text citations utilising relevant, contemporary literature to support your work throughout. (12–14 marks) Well-developed and presented discussion examining the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options relating to the chosen diagnosis.  Very good integration of in-text citations utilising relevant, contemporary literature to support your work through the majority of the discussion. (10–11 marks) Fairly well presented critical and reflective discussion examining the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options relating to the chosen diagnosis.  Reasonably consistent support from fairly relevant literature through much of the discussion. (9–9.5 marks) Basic level of discussion examining the prevalence, prognosis and treatment options relating to the chosen diagnosis.  Very basic / patchy use of in-text citations to support your work. (7–8 marks) Discussion is inadequate with inconsistent / superficial depth and detail lacking any meaningful focus on prevalence, prognosis and treatment options relating to the chosen diagnosis.  Discussion is not adequately supported with quality literature. (<7 marks)

Stigma issues identified  (10 marks)

An excellent overview and exploration of issues relating to stigma associated with the chosen diagnosis.  Excellent use of in-text citations to support your work. (8–10 marks) A very good overview and exploration of issues relating to stigma associated with the chosen diagnosis.  Excellent use of in-text citations to support your work. (7–7.5 marks) A sound overview and exploration of issues relating to stigma associated with the chosen diagnosis.  Reasonable use of in-text citations to support your work. (6–6.5 marks) A sound overview and exploration of issues relating to stigma associated with the chosen diagnosis.  Reasonable use of in-text citations to support your work. (5–5.5 marks) Little or no attempt provided to consider an overview and exploration of issues relating to stigma associated with the chosen diagnosis.  Inadequate use of in-text citations to support your work. (<5 marks) Section missing / incomplete (0 marks)

Conclusion (3 marks)

Presents a succinct and well-focused conclusion that provides an excellent summary of what was discussed in the assignment. (3 marks) Presents a well-constructed and well-presented conclusion that provides an accurate summary of what was discussed in the assignment. (2.5 marks) Presents quite a well-constructed and well-presented conclusion that provides a reasonably good summary of what was discussed in the assignment. (2 marks) Provides a superficial conclusion lacking in focus that provides only a very basic overview of what was discussed in the assignment. (1.5 marks) The conclusion provided does not meet the minimum standard required as it does not provide an adequate summary of what was discussed in the assignment.  (0-1 marks) Not able to identify a conclusion with a clear heading and reference back to the aims of the paper.  (0 marks)

Utilises appropriate written communication and referencing (5 marks)

Excellent  The assignment is very well presented and written, and as such requires has no significant issues requiring further revision. Your use of literature (in APA7 format) to support your discussion is extremely well done (as evident in both your Reference List and use of in-text citations). (5 marks) Minor revision needed There are areas which are well done but one of the following was not evident or needed further development:  1 issue = 1 mark / > than one = 0.5 marks.  Section headings must be used Use of quality literature  Adherence to APA7 presentation style  Adherence to APA7 in-text citation requirements  Adherence to APA7 end-text citation requirements (1 or 2.5 marks) Unacceptable  The assignment is written and presented overall to a very poor standard overall. As such it has significant issues that require major revision to reach the standard required for this assignment.  Your use of literature (in APA7 format) to support your discussion has not reached the minimum acceptable standard overall (as evident in both your Reference List and very limited use of in-text citations). (0 marks)

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