Before you prepare your outline, carefully review the assignment for Essay 2-The Road.
To prepare your outline, choose one of the topics from the Essay 2 assignment and two literary criticism articles on The Road published in academic journals to use in your essay. Develop and save your outline in a word processing document or text file and then copy and paste it into a discussion post. Do not attempt to create your outline directly in the discussion post because of the likelihood of timing out of the system and losing your work.
- Look over your outside sources (your two literary criticism articles) and reread the essay prompt you have chosen. Brainstorm or free write for 7-10
minutes on the topic you have chosen. 2. Skim through the novel again to collect quotes and other examples to support your analysis – collect more evidence than you think you will need so you will have lots to choose from. - Review your sources. Choose a few passages or ideas you think you might use in your paper. Consider how you will use the source material (agree.
disagree, etc.). 4. Study your list of evidence from the text along with your list of evidence from your sources. Look for trends, progressions, recurring ideas, dualities, and
contradictions. 5. Define your subtopics (l.e. categories of your evidence) and sort your evidence into your subtopics. Not all of your evidence may fit into a subtopic – you can choose to leave that evidence out or, if it seems very important, create an appropriate subtopic that will cover your evidence. - Draft a thesis statement for your analysis. 7. Rearrange the above elements into an outline, with thesis on top, followed by supporting points, each populated with evidence from the text of the novel and your articles that you will discuss to develop your point.
Once you have prepared your outline, copy and past it into a discussion post in this discussion by Tuesday, March 28 at 11 pm. (15 points) Please do not
post an attachment or a link.
Post friendly feedback replies to two of your classmates’ outlines by Tuesday, April 11 at 11 pm (5 points). You might comment on the examples they have selected, the quality and completeness of their analysis, the precision of their thesis, etc. Of course, keep your comments in the spirit of helping your classmates improve their work, and please make an effort to respond to prewriting posts that have not yet received feedback
Remember, submitting an outline is required. Essay 2 will not be accepted if you have not previously submitted an outline and draft.
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Before you prepare your outline, carefully review the assignment for Essay 2-The Road.To prepare your outline, choose one of the topics from the Essay 2 assignment and two literary criticism articles on The Road published.