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You are asked to identify the most likely target market for the new model on the Tesla lineup. Collect Data & Information- In order to make the best decisions and maximize their appeal to their target audience(s), the BoD needs to collect specific demographic data/information regarding the characteristics of their target market(s). There are two parts to this assignment.

Part 1 Go to your favorite search engine (Google or Bing) and search for “Tesla Target Market”. Determine the following 3 characteristics of the typical Tesla buyer. While there is a wide range of buyers, keep in mind, the BoD is interested in the typical buyer: 1. Age bracket 2. Household income 3. What is the most common reason they buying a Tesla electric car Part 2 You will select one from the following list of submission choices that best match your learning style and helps demonstrates your understanding of the content: Your selection will count towards 75% of the grade for this assignment. You need to choose only 1 1. Write a two-pager • A 2-page Word document explaining the 3 buyer characteristics with a conclusion paragraph. Your name, title of assignment & date needs to appear in the footer of each page • Proper college-level grammar is required 2. Design a PowerPoint presentation • PowerPoint deck with four (4) slides explaining the 3 characteristics. Every slide must include your name and date. Slide 1- Description of buyer characteristic #1 Slide 2- Description of buyer characteristic #2 Slide 3- Description of buyer characteristic #3 Slide 4- Conclusion page • Each slide should have specific statistics, data, and supporting information and include a supporting image that captures essence of the theme/content • Your name needs to be displayed on every slide • Proper college-level grammar is required • Submit your slide deck via the assignment link in Blackboard 3. Record a YouTube video • In your own voice, record a 1-2 minute video explaining the 3 characteristics of the typical buyer • Upload your video to your youtube channel • Submit the youtube link via the assignment link in Blackboard


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