Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you will research and locate a current journal article on nursing leadership styles. The article must be from a professional, peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last 5 years; and then write a summary of your findings.
Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks:
Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.
Research a current journal article on nursing leadership styles. The article must be from a professional, peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last 5 years.Write a 1-2 page summary of your findings following the criteria below:First paragraph: summarize the major points of the article.Second paragraph: answer whether you support the leadership style, and why or why not.Final paragraph: discuss the article as it relates to nursing practice.Use at least one additional outside source, such as your textbook.The summary should be written in APA style format and all sources must be cited correctly.
When you have completed the assignment, select Next to review the assignment.
Week 7 Assignment
CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Article
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Citation from a professional peer-reviewed nursing journal.-Current within last 5 years-Relates to nursing leadership.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Citation from nursing journal.-Out of date or-Not related to nursing leadership
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Citation not from a nursing journal-Article out of date or not related to nursing leadership.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome First Paragraph
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Concise summary of key points of article.-Writing is clear and focused.-Details are present.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Concise summary of key points.-Writing is not clear or focused.-Some details present.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Summary is not concise.-Writing is not clear or focused.-Details are missing.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Second Paragraph
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Writing presents support or non-support of leadership style.-Writing explains why support or non-support is given.-Writing is clear and logical.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Writing presents support or non-support.-Writing does not express reason for support or non-support.-Writing is somewhat unclear or not logical.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Writing does not present support or non-support.-Writing does not express reason for support or non-support.-Writing is unclear and illogical.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Third Paragraph
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Writing is related to nursing practice and demonstrates analysis and application.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Writing is related to nursing practice.-Analysis and application is weak.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-Writing is not related to nursing practice.-Missing analysis and application.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Spelling/grammar/APA
3 pts
Excellent (3pts)
-Proper APA format is used for citations.-At least two sources are included.-Spelling and grammar errors are few and insignificant.
2 pts
Good (2pts)
-Proper APA format is used for citations.-Only one source is used.-Occasional errors in spelling and grammar.
1 pts
Needs Improvement(1pt)
-APA format is not used.-Sources are missing.-Significant errors in spelling and grammar. Written communication is non-coherent
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