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You have taken the NEO-FFM personality test as part of your first assignment in this class. The personality test is a rough measure of your standing on the five personality traits of the Five Factor Model (“Big Five”) discussed in class and in your textbook. These factors are: Surgency, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect-Openness (Culture).

For this assignment, you are going to apply what you have learned about personality to yourself or to someone close to you. Using the measure previously discussed, discuss your standing or the standing of someone close to you on the five factors.

What are your/their scores and what does your/their score on each factor imply about your/their personality?
How does your/their standing on each of the five traits explain some of your/their behavior? Choices in life? Provide specific examples.

Also, discuss what influence your/their standing on EACH trait might have in EACH of the five areas listed below. Be sure to discuss each of the five traits in each of the five areas listed and provide specific examples to illustrate your points.

Academic functioning
Social functioning (including functioning in intimate relationships)
Occupational functioning

Your homework should be a minimum of 5 pages double-spaced and a maximum of 10 pages. There is no need to use references other than your textbook and class notes.

This assignment is designed to allow you to apply what you have learned to the real world of personality and to see how it operates in your life or in the life of someone close to you. You should use some factual information from your book, but remember, this is a critical thinking assignment, so include your thoughts, ideas, and hypotheses whether or not there is scientific data to support them.  There is no need to use references unless you use something other than the book or class notes. It is also acceptable, and advisable to use first person pronouns in your homework. Have fun with this. If you make an effort, you will do well on this assignment.


Amberly Vo

PSYC 2316

September 6, 2023

NEO-FFM Test Results

After taking the personality test based on the Big 5 Theory my score for Neuroticism is 35, Extraversion is 33, Openness to Experience is 28, Agreeableness is 29, and Conscientiousness is 24.

My score for Neuroticism versus the normative sample for females is considered very high and my score for Extraversion versus the normative sample for females is considered high as well. Whereas my score for Openness versus the normative sample for females is considered average. Lastly my score for Agreeableness versus the normative sample for females is considered low like my score for Conscientiousness versus the normative sample for females is considered very low too.

My score implies that I am sensitive to emotions and is prone to feel unsettling feelings like discomfort or stress. I tend to be extroverted and outgoing, which means I appreciate and prefer to be surrounded by people or my friends. That is how I get my high-spirited energy from. I am mostly inclined to be realistic and practical with how I go about certain matters and usually stick to one way of doing things, but I am willing and open to trying new things as well. I am very hardheaded and tend to express my anger straight forward to those around me. I can be competitive as well when it comes to challenges or simply even playing a game. I am prone to be disorganized and all over the place. When making plans which most likely I am not because I am not a planner unless I must, I tend to go with the flow instead of following a list or a certain order. I would consider myself careless to a certain extent when it comes to certain situations in how I handle them.

After looking over my results and comparing them to the normative samples of females, I would say I agree with the analysis of the Big 5 Theory compared to my personality. A potential discrepancy that can cause a difference in the personality test are environmental factors like trauma as it can be a potential stressor in changing our personality. Another difference can be the diagnosis of personality disorder as it can affect the individual’s behaviors of feeling emotionally disconnected for example or mentally unstable. The individual will most likely experience negative feelings like anxiety or distress and will have trouble forming close relationships as they tend to avoid other people.

On the other hand, some advantages of self-report measures in personality are that they are designed to be relatively simple and easily obtainable since we are the ones to acquire and collect data based on our personal experiences. The limitation of self-report consists of respondents being biased or untruthful about their answers causing the measured data to be not fully accurate. Self-reports can bring conveniency to the following participants and practicality, but it can be unreliable because of the participants as well.


Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, P. (2023a, April 14). Can psychological self-report information be trusted?. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/definition-of-self-report-425267

Marx, J. (2021, February 21). The Pros and cons of collecting data through self-report questionnaires. Eat2BeNice. https://newbrainnutrition.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-collecting-data-through-self-report-questionnaires/

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