For this activity, you will consider influences on constructive engagement with your topic. You will also propose how your ideas to transform conversations about your topic might influence how we as a larger society perceive it. This activity contributes to your draft of the critical analysis section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.
In this activity, you will work on the second part of the critical analysis of your topic in diversity. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activity and use your responses to inform this assignment. Throughout the process, you will support your analysis with reliable evidence from varied sources, which include at least two resources from course materials and two resources from the library. For this activity, you will assess factors that may influence engagement with your topic and then explain one potential obstacle that could interfere with constructive conversation about your topic. Finally, you will describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence societal conversations about your topic.
You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria but may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.
Assess at least two significant factors that could affect your topic, such as biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or values.
In the previous activity, you identified positive elements in conversations about your topic and elements that might benefit from change. Now, determine factors that might influence how insiders and outsiders engage with your topic. What might change their perceptions of the topic or how they talk about it?
Explain how at least one potential obstacle could interfere with the population’s engagement with your topic.
In the previous activity, you identified conversational elements that present opportunities for change. Now, determine a possible obstacle that could interfere with this constructive engagement.
Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence the societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversity.
You have critically examined how insiders and outsiders of your chosen population engage with your topic. How might your ideas for more constructive, transformative engagement impact how we, as a greater society, talk about your topic?
What to Submit
Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
1-2 Activity: Lens Exploration
Jacob Wright
Southern New Hampshire University
IDS 400: Diversity
Professor Boyd
14 January 2024
Lens Exploration
Undoubtedly, the issue of diversity in the workplace has gained massive debate and attention in recent years. My personal experiences, societal discourse, and education have shaped my understanding of this issue. I have come across discussions anchored on the significance of enhancing diverse and inclusive workplaces. Consequently, this has helped me acknowledge the benefits of diversity in the workplace such as creativity, innovation, and overall firm success. My assumptions are deeply rooted in the fact that diversity encompasses different dimensions including race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, and socioeconomic and cultural background among many others.
Incorporating the history lens to workplace diversity shows a period characterized by important events and changes in societal attitudes. As times progressed, legal achievements including notably the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did play an important role in shaping workplace dynamics. It helped prevent different forms of discrimination based on sex, national origin, color, religion, and race. It is important to note that the importance of workplace diversity has changed as there has been increased emphasis on the value that it brings to different organizations, their culture, and performance. Legal scholars, activists, and organizational theorists constitute the authors who have massively contributed to the historical context of workplace diversity.
Moreover, looking at this issue from the humanities lens provides a cultural perspective on workplace diversity. It deeply digs deep into the meaning and expression of diversity and its applicability within diverse cultures. This leverages the lived experiences of people. Undertaking an in-depth analysis of art, narratives, and cultural practices related to workplace inclusion brings about the diverse nature of diversity. This shows that the issue of diversity goes beyond just mere statistics and that it also involves stories and experiences that determine workplace fabric.
Applying the natural and applied sciences lens to workplace diversity encompasses a complex perspective. Despite not having a traditional focus on the natural sciences, the aspect intersects sociology and psychology. Additionally, scientific techniques can be incorporated to assess the effect of diverse teams on creativity and problem-solving. This can then help in linking diversity to measurable outcomes. On the flip side, the problems come from objectively assessing the subjective experiences of people within the workplace and also examining the nuanced impact of workplace diversity in organizations.
Furthermore, the social lens illuminates the societal and interpersonal aspects of workplace diversity. People who come from diverse backgrounds are massively affected by the social structures for example, systemic barriers, bias, and power dynamics. It is paramount that there be an understanding of how diversity in the workplace impacts interpersonal relationships and contributes to or challenges the current social structures. This would aid in creating inclusive environments in the long run (Roberson, 2019).
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88.
2-2 Activity: Topic Introduction
Jacob Wright
Southern New Hampshire University
IDS-400: Diversity
Professor Boyd
21 January 2024
Workplace Diversity and Its Impact on African Americans
The issue of workplace diversity is, without doubt, multifaceted and for this reason, it demands assessment via different lenses. In this perspective, my focus would be on the effect of workplace diversity on African Americans, which represents a population, looking from history, that has faced significant systemic challenges, Also, this choice this stems from the historical lens, and this provides for a robust analysis of legal milestones for example, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and also their role in determining workplace dynamics for African Americans.
African Americans constitute a huge population that have been directly affected by workplace diversity. From a historical point of view, African Americans have experienced discrimination and this is based on race. This then necessitates the need for legal achievements important aimed at doing away with this type of barriers. On the other hand, there still exist challenges to date. It therefore shows the importance of having a look into the narratives and stories that show the manner in which workplace diversity, or the lack thereof, has shaped the lives and experiences of American Americans.
For example, by analyzing the historical experiences, one notes their struggle for equal opportunities, fair treatment, and advancement within organizations. These experiences recorded in history have today brought about a bitter-sweet feeling. On the one hand, there has been triumphs as laws have been made to guarantee that there is workplace diversity. However, there exist challenges. All these show the nuanced impact of diversity initiatives on African American career paths and overall experiences in the workplace.
The choice of the social lens is important since it provides an overview of the societal structural and interpersonal dynamics impacting African Americans in the workplace. Moreover, African Americans continue to face systemic barriers, power dynamics and biases and these aspects continue to shape the experiences of this population. In order to enhance inclusive environments, there is need for understanding of the manner in which workplace diversity impacts interpersonal relationships.
Furthermore, the thesis statement for this analysis is: “Examining workplace diversity through the historical and social lenses. Through this, the paper aims to deeply analyze the impact of diversity initiatives on African Americans. Specifically, this would focus on legal milestones, individual narratives, and societal structures. Through examining these three important structures, I aim to establish the complex relationship between workplace diversity and the experiences of African Americans (Roberson, 2019). Eventually, all these would contribute to the current conversation on inclusive work environments.
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88.
3-2 Activity: Critical Analysis: Engage
Jacob Wright
Southern New Hampshire University
IDS-400: Diversity
Professor Boyd
28 January 2024
Critical Analysis: Engage
Constructive Collaboration with the African American Population
I would adopt an empowering, participative approach to encourage deliberations on the issue of workplace diversity and how it affects African Americans. First of all, I would actively seek opinions from the African American community through focus group questionnaires and interviews. Their opinions and voices are heard with this participatory literature that shapes the story. Moreover, I would utilize existing community networks and organizations as safe venues for frank discussions on the topic to provide platforms where individuals can share their opinions and experiences. Secondly, I would seek joint ventures with firms and academic organizations that have successfully managed diversity. They can show positive examples and success stories to give concrete evidence of the benefits of workplace diversity. Thus, the purpose of this collaborative effort is to help establish a sense of being empowered and participate among African Americans about diversity matters at work.
Positive Element: Legal Milestones and Progress
One of the positive aspects that are characteristic of this subject is legislative milestones achieved to ensure diversity at work. Some things that were achieved as a result of removing racial boundaries include the Civil Rights Act, which dates back to 1964. This is not simply speculation; historical statistics support it. These legislative structures have helped increase accountability and consciousness for promoting company diversity. Such positive legal actions can create a framework for transformation by setting standards and anticipations of fair workplace behavior.
Element Benefiting from Change: Addressing Persistent Challenges
Undeniably, I do concur with the fact that there have been massive legal milestones. However, there is a need for acknowledgement that African Americans still face massive challenges especially when it comes to access to employment opportunities. Specifically, this issue has been aggravated by the existing structural barriers, power dynamics, and biases. For this reason, there is a need to undertake massive organizational diversity and inclusion training programs and workshops. This would then aid in bringing about inclusion. Also, there is a need to practically assess data based on how education and awareness can aid in reducing bias and enhancing workplace diversity. Consequently, many organizations would embrace this and achieve diversity and inclusion, especially for African Americans. To sum up, involving African Americans in this conversation on diversity and inclusion would have to be holistic and comprehensive. For example, the conversation based on workplace diversity may shift as it can prioritize the aspect of laws aimed at helping organizations and nations solve problems through education and awareness. This method, besides recognizing past accomplishments, opens up a broader and more just world that is free of injustice.
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88.
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