Watch one of the following TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) presentation videos of key leaders in their chosen fields of psychology.
The New Era of Positive Psychology (Martin Seligman):
How Reliable is Your Memory? (Elizabeth Loftus):
The Good News About PMS (Robyn Stein DeLuca):
The Surprising Science of Happiness (Dan Gilbert:
Flow, the Secret to Happiness (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi):
The Happy Secret to Better Work (Shawn Achor):
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are (Amy Cuddy):
The Psychology of Evil (Philip Zimbardo):
For your initial discussion post, please address the following:
What is the psychological construct or “big idea” shared by the presenter?
Based on what you discovered when exploring the “Divisions of the APA” website, which subfield(s) of psychology would the presentation you watched be applicable to? Explain why you believe this to be the case based on what you learned about the different Divisions within the American Psychological Association.
How has the information this week impacted your career interests? What questions arose in your mind while you watched the presentation?
The post PSY 501 KU The Impact of Situational and Behavioral Factors Essay first appeared on Writeden.
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