Write an initial response to the following key question(s) or prompt(s):
Which stages did the team advance through more quickly?
Were there any stages where the team stalled?
Ultimately, did the team meet the goals and objectives set forth? If not, discuss barriers to success.
At what stage will the team conclude?
Tuckman’s Framework
Bruce Tuckman (Clawson, 2006) developed the most commonly used framework for
a team’s stages of development in the mid-1960s. His descriptions of Forming,
Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning provide a meaningful model for
looking at teams.
Stage 1 – Forming: members in this stage typically engage to define the first
assignment, decide how to divide the tasks, assign tasks and agreed upon
deadlines. There can be some testing of leadership roles, initial disclosure or
similarities and differences among members, and very little progress on the task.
Stage 2 – Storming: differences begin to surface about direction, leadership or
approach. As the deadline nears, conflicts arise about the quality of the product and
meeting the deadline. Struggles over leadership can also arise at this stage.
Stage 3 – Norming: members attempt to establish common ground and harmony.
Openly and honestly, the group addresses its conflicts, issues, and power struggles.
Patterns of acceptable behavior emerge. Members are more comfortable expressing
constructive feedback and opinions. They feel part of a team.
Stage 4 – Performing: stability is reached as members have worked through their
differences. They have developed insights about each other and believe success can
be achieved. Members engage in self-change for the good of the group.
Communication look of constructive feedback and improvement takes root. The
team is cohesive.
Stage 5 – Adjourning: the objective has been achieved. Some teams may disband
permanently or go on temporary break. At this stage, members can be
disappointed if it was a positive experience, or relief if negative.
Clawson, J. G. (2006). Level three leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall.
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