Through this assignment, you will research and identify various technology tools (software, applications, and Web 2.0 tools) that will help you to comply with the Technology Application EC-12 Standards.
Assignment Directions for Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction
Step 1:
To successfully complete Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Download the assignment template: Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Template(1).docx Download Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Template(1).docx
Step 2:
Reference the Technology Application EC-12 (Standards I-VII) that all teachers must do found at to an external site.
Step 3:
Research technology tools that teachers and students can use to support content instruction. You may use some of the technology tools provided in the list below and/or you may also search the Internet. If you use tools from an Internet search, please provide the site URL.
Software, Application, and Web 2.0 Technology Tools:
· to an external site. to an external site.
Step 4: Complete the table below by providing and explaining how the technology tool will help you to meet the Technology Application EC-12 Standard listed. You may use the same tool, or a different tool, to support Teacher Knowledge and Understanding and Application.
Step 5:
Save your completed assignment
Assignment 5E: Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Rubric
Quality Descriptions Point Range
Exemplary Candidate listed and thoroughly explained a technology tool to support teacher knowledge and understanding.
Candidate listed and thoroughly explained a technology tool to support application.
Assignment is professional and no errors are present
Sufficient Candidate listed and somewhat explained a technology tool to support teacher knowledge and understanding.
Candidate listed and somewhat explained a technology tool to support application.
Assignment has some grammar or spelling errors.
Partially Sufficient
Candidate listed a technology tool but did not explain how the technology tool supports teacher knowledge and understanding.
Candidate listed a technology tool but did not explain how the technology tool supports how the technology tool to support application.
Assignment has many grammar or spelling errors.
Insufficient Assignment is incomplete or candidate did not follow directions. 64 and below
Assignment 5E: Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction
Through this assignment, you will research and identify various technology tools (software, applications, and Web 2.0 tools) that will help you to comply with the Technology Application EC-12 Standards.
Assignment Directions for Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction
Step 1:
To successfully complete Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Download the assignment template: Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Template(1).docx Download Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Template(1).docx
Step 2:
Reference the Technology Application EC-12 (Standards I-VII) that all teachers must do found at Links to an external site.
Step 3:
Research technology tools that teachers and students can use to support content instruction. You may use some of the technology tools provided in the list below and/or you may also search the Internet. If you use tools from an Internet search, please provide the site URL.
Software, Application, and Web 2.0 Technology Tools:
· Links to an external site.
· Links to an external site.
Step 4: Complete the table below by providing and explaining how the technology tool will help you to meet the Technology Application EC-12 Standard listed. You may use the same tool, or a different tool, to support Teacher Knowledge and Understanding and Application.
Step 5:
Save your completed assignment
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