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The details communicated in a Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statement are part of an IEP and address the areas affected by t


The details communicated in a Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statement are part of an IEP and address the areas affected by the disability and the effect on academic progress. Because the PLAAFP provides a focus to the overall IEP, it is important to have a strong working knowledge about the information that is required to ensure the IEP is properly structured and best meets the needs of the student.

Review the “Sample PLAAFP” and “Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)” documents to become familiar with the content and structure of the PLAAFP. Review the “Charley” case study below to inform a PLAAFP that would guide the development of his IEP.

Case Study: Charley

Preschool, Age 4

Charley is an energetic 4-year-old preschool student with cerebral palsy. He is in his second year of preschool. His mother experienced a difficult pregnancy with him, and she had an emergency C-section due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck. Charley was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months of age. He began receiving services in home at the age of 2.

Charley typically speaks in two-word sentences. He indicates his wants and needs by pointing. He gets frustrated when he is unable to communicate quickly. He prefers to do things independently. Charley was evaluated by a speech pathologist who determined he would benefit from a speech device. He began using the speech device, both at home and school, at the beginning of the school year. He is still learning to use it consistently. Charley tries to communicate without the speech device but will use it when asked. The parents are consistent with using the speech device at home.

Charley is in a wheelchair and has limited use of his arms. He can bunny hop on the floor. He needs some assistance with feeding and is still in diapers. He receives physical and occupational therapy twice a week. Charley demonstrates frustration when he is not able to be with the other students due to these activities.

Charley loves going to school. He interacts well with all of the students and teachers. He actively participates in all activities. He tends to shut down when the content of the lesson is too difficult for him. Charley can match objects to colors and can point to 17 of the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 1-10. He requires assistance with tasks such as cutting, gluing, etc. but he is able to use larger pencils and markers for some activities.

Charley’s parents are very involved in his school. His mother volunteers in the classroom once a week, and both parents have volunteered for field trips. They are Charley’s biggest cheerleaders! They help him when he needs it, but also push him to be as independent as he can. They have expressed concern about Charley’s future in school. They would like for him to be in a general education classroom when he begins kindergarten.

As Charley’s teacher, it is your responsibility to complete the subsections included in the PLAAFP section of an IEP. Using the “IEP Template,” provide the following information to complete “Section 3: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance” for Charley’s IEP.

Cognitive (academic performance in content areas)
Physical (gross and fine motor, vision, and hearing)
Oral Language and Communication
Social and Emotional Behavior
Current Classroom-Based Data
Family Input on Student’s Current Performance
Summary of Work Habits

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Individualized Education Program (IEP) Template

Special Education Department

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student Name: Charley Smith Student Goals and Performance Objectives IEP Meeting Date: 3/17/19

Student ID:  65423411 Progress Report            DOB: 01/12/17


Skill Area: Cognitive


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Physical


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Oral Language and Communication


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Social/Emotional Behavior


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Adaptive


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.



Individualized Education Program (IEP) Template

Special Education Department

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student Name: Charley Smith Student Goals and Performance Objectives IEP Meeting Date: 3/17/19

Student ID:  65423411 Progress Report            DOB: 01/12/17


Skill Area: Cognitive


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Physical


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Oral Language and Communication


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Social/Emotional Behavior


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


Skill Area: Adaptive


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Monitoring (describe the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools will be used to collect and store the data.):


© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.



Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)

Special Education Department

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student Name: Trevor Thompson Student Data/Cover Sheet (Form B)    IEP Meeting Date: 03/17/19


Student ID: 11456765                                                  DOB: 01/12/10


Section 1: Current IEP Information

Summarize special education services the student is receiving:

Trevor is a nine-year-old boy in a self-contained third grade autism classroom. There are eight students, one teacher, and two paraeducators in his classroom. He currently receives speech services and occupational therapy services. He eats lunch and has recesses with his non-disabled peers. Trevor attends his assigned neighborhood school.

Section 2: Evaluation Information

Areas of Eligibility:

Special Education Primary Category:  Autism

Special Education Eligibility Category 2: Speech and Language Impairment

Special Education Eligibility Category 3:

For students with SLD only, the following area(s) of eligibility was previously determined:

State and District Assessment Scores:

Section 3: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

A. Cognitive (academic performance in content areas, e.g., ELA/reading/writing, math, science, social studies, technology and fine arts, as applicable)


Areas of Strengths: Trevor is able to identify all uppercase and lowercase letters and their sounds. He is able to identify his name when it is typed or written in print. He also has 20 sight words he has memorized. Trevor has recently started to try to sound out short 3-letter words (cat, hat, mop, and cup).

Areas of Need: Trevor needs to continue working on adding words to his sight word vocabulary and improving his word fluency and chunking skills.


Areas of Strengths: Trevor is able to pick up a pencil with his left hand and make marks on a paper. He identifies where the lines are on the paper and attempts to make marks inside the lines (2-inch lined paper). Trevor is very motivated and eager to write. He tries very hard. Trevor is able to identify uppercase and lowercase letters. He can identify a period and draw a dot on the paper when prompted. He is able to trace large letters (this is a desirable activity).

Areas of Need: Trevor needs to continue to work on his letter formation. He needs to work on copying letters or words from a model.


Areas of Strengths: Math is and always has been an area of strength for Trevor. He is able to add, subtract (with regrouping), and has started basic multiplication. He is within the average range for his grade level in math.

Areas of Need: There are no areas of need in the area of mathematics.

B.   Physical (gross motor, fine motor, vision, and hearing)

Area Strengths: Trevor is able to walk, run, jump, and bend as his same aged peers. His vision tested within the average range. Trevor would not complete the hearing test (he will not wear the headphones from the nurse’s office). His parents did have his hearing tested at a young age and scores came out in the normal range. There are no concerns from the team regarding his hearing.

Areas of Need: Trevor has a hard time holding his pencil/pen in a proper grip. He struggles gripping and applying the right amount of pressure. This has also contributed to his difficulties with writing.

C.   Oral Language and Communication

Areas of Strength: Trevor is able to communicate his basic needs in 1-2 word fragments. He is able to communicate his need for the restroom, food, and other basic wants and needs. He is able to point to things and use gestures as well. Gestures and nonverbal communication is preferred.

Areas of Need: Trevor needs to work on combining more words to formulate small sentences. He avoids looking at people and it is unclear to whom he is trying to communicate. Trevor needs to work on appropriate ways to gain attention from others.

D.    Social and Emotional Behavior

Areas of Strength: Trevor is a very polite and well-liked young boy in class. He wants to be around others and often attempts to wave to peers in the hallway.

Areas of Need: Trevor likes to be around his peers, but his self-stimulating behaviors affect his ability to be close to others. When he is happy, excited, and even content he will make flapping movements with his hands and rock back and forth with his body. When he becomes upset or frustrated, he will often shut down and become non-responsive to peers or staff for 20-30 minutes. This behavior is often Trevor sitting at his desk with his head down and eyes open staring off.

E.     Adaptive

Areas of Strength: Trevor does well with his basic independent living needs and is able to take care of basic hygiene and feeding.

Areas of Need : There are no areas of need.

Current Classroom-Based Data:

Trevor’s teacher/case manager is very pleased with the progress he has made this school year. The teacher would like to see Trevor attend a general education classroom for math and electives. Especially because he is so social. The teacher is worried about the self-stimulating behaviors and how that could affect the learning environment in the general education classroom.

The teacher would also like to see progress with his reading and vocabulary because she feels this will also help with his social interactions with peers.

Family Input on Student’s Current Performance:

· The parents are very pleased with their son’s progress. They are also interested in having him participate more with the general education students.

Summary of Work Habits:

· Trevor is a very hard worker and eager to please others. When he is given a task, he is quick to start it. He can become distracted, but he can be easily redirected. Trevor works best independently in 10-15 minute increments.

Special Education Department

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student Name: Trevor Thompson Student Goals and Performance Objectives IEP Meeting Date: 3/17/19

Student ID:  11456765 Progress Report           DOB: 01/12/10


Skill Area: Reading/Vocabulary


Phonics and Word Recognition

3.RF.3 – Know and apply phonics and word analysis skills in decoding one-syllable or multisyllabic words.

Annual Goal: By March of 2020, Trevor will be able to sound out 4-letter words by using the chunking method for 8 out of 10 words. Data will be collected twice a month using teacher-made assessments.

Baseline Level of Mastery: Trevor is currently able to sound out 3-letter words.

Service Provider(s) for this goal:

Action Steps:

1. Set a timeline and identify the individual: By March 2020, Trevor will …

2. Identify the skill you want the student to achieve: Be able to sound out 4-letter words.

3. How the student will achieve this goal: By using the chunking method for 8 out of 10 words.

4. How often you will collect data on this goal and what you will use to track the data: Data will be collected twice a month using teacher-made assessments.

Service Provider(s) for this goal:


Skill Area: Writing


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:


Skill Area: Math


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:


Skill Area: Social/Emotional


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:



Skill Area: Oral Language and Communication


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:


Skill Area: Adaptive


Annual Goal:

Baseline Level of Mastery:

Service Provider(s) for this goal:


Special Education Department

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student Name: Trevor Thompson Services and Environment (Form I)   IEP Meeting Date: 3/17/19


Student ID: 11456765 DOB:  01/12/10


Special education services necessary to meet special education goals and objectives during the school calendar year.

The child is in need of specially designed instruction in the following areas:

Special Education Services

Instructional Setting/Location

Start Date



Duration/End Date






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© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


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The details communicated in a Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statement are part of an IEP and address the areas affected by t
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