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Apply principles learned in microbiology

to make connections between concepts learned in the course and what is observed in a health care setting.
to understand real-life applications of Microbiology


For this assignment, you will identify a pathogen in a newspaper article or publication of your choice, apply principles learned in microbiology and research the pathogen for its connection to nursing/health care. You must get approval for your chosen article and pathogen. You will then write a paper on their chosen pathogen/topic. Use the template hyperlinked above when writing your paper.

The pathogen can be a bacteria, fungus, protozoa, or virus. In addition to the article, information to include in the paper should include, morphology, gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, susceptibility to antibiotics, host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, mechanisms used to evade the immune system and invasion into the host(s), interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and affected body systems. Additionally, students should explain symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, as well as a diagnosis and the therapeutic intervention needed after infection. You may also add information on statistics related to infection (epidemiology) and any new research findings related to the pathogen.









Overall summary of the most important details of the article summary and pathogen information. (5-7 sentences)

Article Summary

Summary of approved article in your own words (5-7 sentences)

Pathogen Information

Classification of microorganism- Domain- prokaryote or eukaryote or virus, general characteristics of the family and genus to which this pathogen belongs- for example virus can have different extra cellular or intracellular forms, bacteria can be endospore forming, capsule producing, eukaryotes can have another host. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Cellular/ structural (in case of viruses) characteristics. Add information here about morphology, cellular characteristics, genome (RNA or DNA in case of viruses) and gram stain characteristics, virulence factors. Explain why this information is important. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Susceptibility to antibiotics/ antiviral or antifungals. Describe the class of antimicrobial drug, and why they are effective in destroying these microbes and why is this particular drug more effective based on their structure. What is the mode of action for viral or eukaryotic infection? Antibiotic resistance can also be described here, if applicable to the organism. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Growth conditions. Host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions. Use the relevant vocabulary discussed in this class: nutritional needs – phototroph, chemotroph, autotroph, heterotroph; growth conditions- basophile, halophile, psychrophile, etc. pathogen like mammals, birds, reptiles, or secondary hosts in protozoan parasites. Types of life cycle- lytic or latent. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Evasion of immune system. Describe how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s). This should be related to the virulence factors described in cellular characteristics. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Disease(s) caused, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapeutic interventions. Describe interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected; description of symptoms when the pathogen infects a host; and diagnosis used in clinical setting to identify infection, the principle of diagnostic technique and therapeutic intervention needed. Include how it relates to the information covered in class- which chap number and what was taught.

Apply principles learned in microbiology
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