Assignment 2 – Paper Nutrition-Related Diseases
Research and write a report on one of the following topics related to either carbohydrate consumption/metabolism or fat consumption/metabolism. The body of your paper must be 2-3 pages in length (not including reference list). Your report should contain:
1. A thorough description and background of the topic – causes, disease risks, treatments, etc.
2. A detailed explanation of nutrition and dietary recommendations for individuals concerned about the topic.
3. Minimum of 2 references required (but no more than 5).
Possible topics for carbohydrate consumption and/or metabolism:
. Diabetes
• Hypoglycemia
. Glycemic Index . Lactose Intolerance . Fiber
. Safety of artificial sweeteners
• Dental caries and sugar intake
. Carbonated beverage consumption . Children and sugar consumption
You can choose another area of interest related to carbohydrate consumption and/or metabolism.
Possible topics for fat consumption and/or metabolism:
. Cholesterol and cardiovascular disease . Trans fatty acids and their role in cardiovascular disease . Benefits of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats . Benefits of monounsaturated fats in lowering rates of heart disease . Dietary fats and cancer . Dietary fats and obesity
You can choose another area of interest related to fat consumption and/or metabolism.
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