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Regarding the Final Exam


Please remember the following:

●      Follow the outline provided in the prompt.

●      You may use the first person. You may NOT integrate research. Doing so will result in a grade of D at 65%.

●      Do not write in APA style: “This essay will attempt…”

●      The essay must be between 750 and 1000 words. Do not exceed 1000 words; the grade will be reduced.

●      Parenthetical in-text citations are not required; make sure it is clear who is speaking when integrating quotation.

●      Quotations are required.


Please read the attached article and in an essay written for a general reader, respond to it in a meaningful way. You do not need to summarize the article, but you need to provide context for your reader. You can write in the first person. Your essay must integrate some quotation from the article. Be sure to contribute to the topic. Simply repeating the author’s content will result in a D at 68%.

The essay shall be graded holistically. The essay should be between 750-1000 words. No more than 1000 words.

Please consider the following outline:

I. Briefly introduce the article (author and title) and provide context for your general reader by summarizing only that content which will be the focus of your thesis. This should occupy only one paragraph.

II. Your thesis (one paragraph)

III. Multiple discussion paragraphs; integrate some quotation.

IV. Conclusion (one brief paragraph)

The article can be linked here: https://theconversation.com/the-morality-of-canceling-student-debt-150606






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