BUACC5931 Assignment 2 Tasks and Instructions :
BUACC5931 Assignment 2 Tasks and Instructions
Topic: Adoption of ISO9000 and its relationship with other factors in China’s service industry
Type of Assessment: Group Project
Due date: End of week 12
Allocation of marks
Research report: 20 marks
Oral class presentation: 10 Marks
Materials for assignment 2
Background information and the variables in dataset (word document in Moodle)
The dataset (excel file in Moodle)
Word limit: Written report around 3000 words
Suggested time to devote to this task
Approximately 20 to 25 hours per student outside class time
Submission of assignment 2: One group member will be responsible for submitting the report, and ppt to the Moodle Submission link in the course Moodle shell.
Marking Guide: See section 2 of this document
Task assessor: Lecturer
Details of the assignment
Groups will be limited to a maximum of three members. Peer assessment may be undertaken in this course. It will be the responsibility of all group members to produce a quality report. Hence, if there are group problems and you need to discuss such a situation with your lecturer, act on that on time. If a group has to complete a peer assessment, each student will obtain 50% of the group mark plus some allocation of the other 50% according to the result of the peer assessment.
Written report
This assessment involves reading and analysing a dataset to develop a research report. Working in groups, you are to design a research project. This will include using academic sources to review the relevant literature, conducting analyses, and advising the management based on the findings of the research. More specific requirements for the assignment will be discussed in lectures. You will need to apply the Excel (or SPSS) data analysis techniques for your group assignment. Some lecture time will also be allocated to the group project so that your lecturer can provide direction/make suggestions.
Report Structure: The group project should have the following:
Abstract: Purpose (research questions), method to answer the research questions (data collection and data analysis), findings, practical implications (usefulness for management) and (or) theoretical implications, and the limitations of the research,
Introduction: Background (of the case); purpose (of this report); two to three research objectives for a study that you would seek to conduct (of this report).
Literature review: Write a short literature review of at least six academic sources relevant to your topic. Any sources including books, journal articles are acceptable, as long as they are relevant. You can also use a particular website for some information. If websites are used, they will be in addition of the six academic sources.
Methodology: Describe the methodology and justify your choice. Specifically describe about the measures, sampling method, procedure of data collection.
Analyses and findings: Run some analysis to turn the data into useful information as following.
Descriptive statistics: Sample characteristics will be described with descriptive analysis. This will include at least the following analysis: Frequency, percentage; Measures of central tendency (means, median, mode); Measures of dispersion (variance, standard deviation).
Inferential statistics: Inferential statistics will be used to analyse relationship between variables. This will include at least the following analysis (Pearson’s r, t test, ANOVA test).
Discussion and managerial advice: linking your findings to extant literature. Advise the management about the usefulness of the findings. Limitations and directions for future research. Suggestions of how the research can be improved.
References: Include a correctly constructed reference list of all sources used in the project, not just those used in the literature review section.
Appendices: Appendices should also be attached which will include all the analysis and graphs etc. that are not included in the body of the report.
* Please note that conducting both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics is required for evaluation of the task.
Oral presentation (10 marks)
In-class presentation. Students are required to submit for grading their PowerPoint slide-show. Presentation requirements: Time limit 15 minutes plus 5 minutes question time (total time: 20 minutes maximum). You should treat the presentation as though you are presenting to senior management in an organisation. Presentation must reflect the same structure as the written report. Each group member is expected to participate equally in the presentation.
Equity in Teams
In this assessment you will be working in teams. If you have a concern about unfair or inequitable work in your team, your first responsibility is to address it within the team. However, if you are unable to resolve the issue, please raise the matter with your lecturer or tutor during the semester. Please note, it is difficult to resolve issues of equity if they are raised after most of the work is done. Criteria used to grade this task: see Marking Guide- of Assessment Task.
Also visit:https://www.notesnepal.com/archives/767
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