Case studies are an important part of most graduate programs as they reveal more readily the
concept or theory discussed in a real-world context. Consider the chapters you have read from
Hill text that present a case study of an organization. In each of these chapters, the way
organizations incorporate various values (ex. love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness.) is described in real-world scenarios. This helps us see how the value, reactions to
the value, and outcomes from demonstrating the value might be displayed—and thus, presents a
rich case for learning best practices and enables us to take God with us to work and
everywhere. Case Studies are stories that develop a person, or a group of people, or a company
over a specific time period (ex. day, week, month, year). A case study analyzes what occurred
during this time period.
For your Case Study Paper, you have selected an organization and Biblical value that the
organization has displayed. Write a story and develop a person or a group of people at this
company. Remember you have to write a story that shows the example of this company
displaying this Biblical value. You won’t be writing just about the company. Write a case study
where a person or group of people displayed a Biblical value. Tell the story. Back up the
actions of the people or group in the company with scholarly references, the text, and with the
Bible (this is the most important part). Discuss and expand on how this Biblical value connects
to the organization and the story. The purpose of this is for you to be able to identify Biblical
values in an organization. Remember, Biblical values can certainly be displayed in secular
workplaces; after all, all truth is God’s truth!
Above is information about the case study. You have already completed the outline for
this. If you want to make any changes to your outline, get this approved by your professor
prior to submitting this case study. Remember you will also be doing a training
presentation based on this case study. The outline, case study, and training presentation
should all be on the same company.
Follow your outline that you did earlier in this course. Be sure to review any revisions required
from your professor. Each Roman Numeral section from your outline usually equals at lease one
paragraph in the case study. Each section of your case study should have a subheading and at
least 1 paragraph. Do not use the Roman Numerals in the Case Study.
Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences and at least 2 different references. The case
study paper must be 8–10-pages (not including Title Page, Abstract, or Reference page) and must
include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible (New
International Version or King James Version).
The Case Study Paper is to be written in third person and must be in current APA format. Do not
use first or second person in this outline or in the case study. Please do not use direct quotes in
the outline. Only use direct quotes for Bible verses and famous quotes or dialogue.
Before submitting the case study, your outline topic and Biblical value must be approved.
Once this is approved, any changes must be approved by the professor.
Your case study should have a title page, abstract page, case study pages (based on the outline
you created), and a reference page.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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