Case Study 1.
Students will need to develop a business case study and reach valid conclusions. Students will need to follow the principles of case study development and analysis and incorporate concepts discussed during webinars.
Guidance will be provided, and a thorough explanation of Case 1 assignment requirements will take place in
Indicative guidelines:
Your case study development process should consider the following areas:
What: Define what the case study is about, detailing the business, its industry, and the particular situation it
When: Establish the timeframe during which the events of the case study take place, giving insights into any
temporal factors that may affect the situation.
Where: Identify the geographical setting and market environment of the case, which may influence business
operations and decisions.
How: Describe how the situation has developed over time, focusing on the progression of events and
Why: Analyze why these events are significant, both in the context of the company’s goals and in the broader
industry or economic environment.
Understand: The Broader Environment and Forces impacting the Case Study.
Provide: Realistic reccomendations, suggestions for improvement and solutions.
Constraints and Opportunities: Highlight any constraints that limit the company’s options and any
opportunities the company can leverage in solving the problem.
Written assignment
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:
Number of files for submission: 1
: Required file format for main submission: PDF
Other details:
: Fon sTre: 1 ew Roman
Font size: 12
• Spacing: Double
• Number of words: 1500 (10% rule applies)
All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.
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