CASE STUDY: CULTURAL ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Organizational Analysis: Defining the Organization Utilizing the Cultural Theories Lens This portion of the case study assignment will require you to apply the Cultural Theories lens to your organization. This enables you to make sense of the organization in a general way before turning to the specific problem within the organization which you identified in the Problem Proposal Assignment.
INSTRUCTIONS Lens Three: Reviewing the Culture Theories [VILLAGE] Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the culture of your organization looks like. Your summary is to be 3–5 pages, include 3–5 references (this can include your textbook), have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style (first person should not be used). Headings should be used for each section of the paper. 1. Describe the culture of your organization and whether cultural differences exist within the various units of your organization. 2. How does your organization develop consensus on mission, tasks, and goals? 3. What is your role within the organization and how is this different from your actual job description? This section should be written from a neutral viewpoint much like a consultant would view it
CASE STUDY: CULTURAL ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Organizational Analysis: Defining the Organization Utilizing the Cultural Theories Lens This portion of the case study assignment will require you to apply the Cultural