Chapter 2: Literature Review
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Begin with the first sentence of the purpose statement and problem statement that leads to a brief explanation of the organization of the literature review. Do not simply cut and paste the Purpose Statement section from Chapter 1.
Provide an overview of the sub-headings in the literature that will be discussed.
At the end of this section, indicate the databases accessed and the search engines used. Discuss all the search parameters, including the search terms and their combinations (with more detailed search terms located in an appendix, if appropriate), range of years, and types of literature.
Devote approximately 30 to 60 pages to this chapter to include citations to at least 50 relevant sources.
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
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Describe the guiding theoretical/conceptual framework of the study, including the definitions of all the concepts, an explanation of the relationships among the concepts, and a presentation of all the assumptions and propositions.
Explain the origin and development of the framework. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of and familiarity with both the historical and the current literature on the framework.
Identify existing research studies that used this framework in a similar way. Mention alternative frameworks, with a justification of why the selected framework was chosen.
Describe how and why the selected framework relates to the present study and how it guided the development of the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions.
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Level 3 Heading
Level 4 Heading. Text…
Critically analyze (i.e., note the strengths and weaknesses) and synthesize (i.e., integrate) the existing research. Rather than reporting on each study independently, describe everything known on the topic by reviewing the entire body of work.
Present a balanced integrative critical review of the literature, ensuring all points of view are included. Cover all the important issues with a discussion of areas of convergence (i.e., agreement) and divergence (i.e., disagreement). Provide potential explanations for areas of divergence.
Address issues of authority, audience, and/or bias/point of view in the sources used.
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Briefly restate the key points discussed in the chapter. Review the headings and/or table of contents to ensure all key points are covered.
Highlight areas of convergence and divergence as well as gaps in the literature that support the need for the study. This discussion should logically lead to Chapter 3, where the research methodology and design will be discussed.
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