Compare and Contrast Essay Assignment
The major point to consider when writing a compare / contrast essay is to determine the primary purpose of your argument to avoid your reader asking the question “So what is the point? The ideal compare / contrast essay for purposes of effective composition and rhetoric in this course will be an essay which takes a “Persuasive / Argumentative” approach to a specific subject. Your ultimate goal will be to persuade your reader that one of two given subjects is preferable to the other. (Use logical examples and strong elaboration to support your points).
Option 1: Community College versus the Four-Year University:
“Views tend to vary greatly among students regarding the issue of attending a “junior college” for first two years of a bachelor’s degree versus beginning their studies at a major “four-year” institution. Compare and contrast the pros and cons of completing the freshman and sophomore years at these institutions, ultimately arguing how one is preferable to the other.” (Two Secondary Sources Required)
Option 2: The legal Smoking Age Vs. The legal Drinking Age in Texas
There is much discussion regarding the legal age that adults can purchase and smoke cigarettes (age 18) versus the legal age one can purchase and drink alcohol (age 21). Compare and contrast the pros and cons of each ultimately declaring how these current laws should or should not be modified. (Two secondary sources required)
Option 3: The Country versus the City:
“Many individuals and families debate the positives and negatives of living in the city versus the country. Compare and contrast the factors of pollution, entertainment, crime, and education, which are all key aspects that one must consider when deciding to locate to either environment. Convince your reader that one environment is more ideal than the other for living in this modern-day society.” (Two Secondary Sources Required)
Option 4: Public School vs. Private School Education
Views vary regarding issues such as quality of education, exposure to violence, social development etc. when deciding whether to enroll students in a public versus private school setting. Discuss the pros and cons of each and present how one would be preferable to the other depending upon certain situations. (Two secondary sources required)
Option 5: Gun Laws on Public vs. College and University Campuses
Support seems to be lacking for public school teachers carrying a concealed weapon with them for protection onto a public-school campus compared to a college or instructor carrying a concealed weapon with them onto campus for protection. Discuss the pros and cons of each ultimately stating how one should be more accepted or preferable to the other. (Two secondary Sources Required)
Option 6: Men or Women as Single Parents:
“In this modern day and age, many people believe that both men and women each possess their own distinct traits in the areas of career choice, discipline, nurturing, and independence which are all important aspects of effective parenting. Compare and contrast these traits between men and women ultimately illustrating how one or the other would make a more effective single parent.”
(Two Secondary Sources Required)
Option 7: Home Buying- The Two-Story versus the Flat:
“In the domestic task of deciding what type of home to buy, many people debate the various pros and cons of living in a “two-story” home versus a “flat” (or one-story). They debate upon issues such as cost, maintenance, architectural design etc. Compare and contrast the “two-story” home and the “flat” ultimately illuminating how one would provide a more ideal living experience over the other.” (Two Secondary Sources Required)
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