EcoShore Innovations is an interdisciplinary organization which masters in sustainable development through ornamental engineering techniques for floating infrastructure projects in Taiwan. Our mission is to design and implement all-inclusive solutions that overcome the challenges of rising sea levels and also promote environmental care and community flexibility. By combining expertise in renewable energy, coastal engineering, and community engagement, we attempt to create a future where coastal communities succeed in synchronization with their natural surroundings.
At EcoShore Innovations, we prioritize renewable energy solutions to power our floating infrastructure projects sustainably. Our team of specialists mixes solar, wind, and tidal energy technologies into our designs, ensuring competent operation and minimal environmental impact. Additionally, our coastal engineering experts use innovative techniques to create strong infrastructure that withstands the impacts of climate change, such as erosion and flooding. Through inclusive stakeholder engagement, weempower local communities to shape the development of their coastal areas, fostering trust, collaboration, and social equity. With EcoShoreInnovations at the forefront, Taiwan’s coastal future is one of sustainability, resilience, and vibrant community living.
The one primer you need to develop your entrepreneurial skills.
hether you’re imagining your new business to be the next big thing in Silicon Valley, a pivotal B2B provider, or an anchor in your local community, the HBR
Entrepreneur’s Handbook is your essential resource for getting your company off the ground.
Starting an independent new business is rife with both opportunity and risk. And as an entrepreneur, you’re the one in charge: your actions can make or break your business. You need to know the tried-and-true fundamentals—from writing a business plan to getting your first loan. You also need to know the latest thinking on how to create an irresistible pitch deck, mitigate risk through experimentation, and develop unique opportunities through business model innovation.
The HBR Entrepreneur’s Handbook addresses these challenges and more with practical advice and wisdom from Harvard Business Review’s archive. Keep this comprehensive guide with you throughout your startup’s life—and increase your business’s odds for success.
In the HBR Entrepreneur’s Handbook you’ll find:
▪ Step-by-step guidance through the entrepreneurial process
▪ Concise explanations of the latest research and thinking on entrepreneurship from Harvard Business Review contributors such as Marc Andreessen and Reid Hoffman
▪ Time-honed best practices
▪ Stories of real companies, from Airbnb to eBay
Everything You Need to Launch and Grow Your New Business
Entrepreneur’s Handbook
Entrepreneur’s H andbook
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Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s Handbook
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Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s Handbook Everything You Need to Launch and Grow Your New Business
Harvard Business Review Press
Boston, Massachusetts
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The material in this book has been adapted and revised from works listed in the Sources section and from Harvard Business Essentials Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: Tools and Techniques to Launch and Grow Your New Business (Harvard Business School Press, 2005), subject adviser Alfred E. Osborne.
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Introduction 1
Preparing for the Journey
1. Is Starting a Business Right for You? 11
Defi ning Your Enterprise
2. Shaping an Opportunity 23
3. Building Your Business Model and Strategy 41
4. Organizing Your Company 63
5. Writing Your Business Plan 77
Financing Your Business
6. Startup-Stage Financing 103
7. Growth-Stage Financing 115
8. Angel Investment and Venture Capital 131
9. Going Public 149
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Scaling Up
10. Sustaining Entrepreneurial Growth 171
11. Leadership for a Growing Business 181
12. Keeping the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive 195
Looking to the Future
13. Harvest Time 213
Appendix A: Understanding Financial Statements 225
Appendix B: Breakeven Analysis 241
Appendix C: Valuation: What Is Your Business Really Worth? 245
Appendix D: Selling Restricted and Control Securities: SEC Rule 144 257
Glossary 263
Further Reading 273
Sources 277
Index 285
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William Bygrave, a scholar and practitioner of entrepreneurship, describes
an entrepreneur as someone who not only perceives an opportunity but
also “creates an organization to pursue it.”
That last part of Bygrave’s defi nition is essential. Ideas are one thing,
but opportunities as we generally understand them are best addressed
through business organizations formed by entrepreneurs. Thomas Edison,
for example, recognized the business opportunity in urban electric illu-
mination, which he pursued through tireless laboratory e xperiments that
eventually produced a workable incandescent light bulb. But invention was
only part of Edison’s genius. He also formed a company that brought to-
gether the human and fi nancial resources needed to implement his vision
of commercial and residential lighting. That company was the forerunner
of the General Electric Company, one of today’s largest and most powerful
The same formula has been repeated through history: recognizing op-
portunity and addressing it through an organization. Some opportunities
are evident and just need to be harnessed; others are created by the en-
trepreneur. For example, in 2007, when roommates Brian Chesky and Joe
Gebbia could no longer afford the rent on their San Francisco loft, they
decided to rent out space to guests. They set up a website with some photos
of their apartment, quickly gaining three guests for their fi rst weekend, at
$80 each. Soon they began hearing from others who had found their site
and wanted a similar offering for informal lodging in cities around the
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2�HBR’s Entrepreneur’s Handbook
The next spring, Chesky and Gebbia enlisted former roommate Nathan
Blecharczyk to help them establish Airbed & Breakfast. To raise early fund-
ing, they bought cartons of breakfast cereal, repackaged it in the theme of
the 2008 election, and resold it to conventioneers, raising about $30,000.
Nevertheless, their site’s growth stalled. While living off the extra cereal,
though, they were accepted into Y Combinator’s accelerator program. In
the summer of 2009, they began testing their own services to better un-
derstand their users’ needs. Realizing how poorly the properties were rep-
resented online, the entrepreneurs began a photography program in which
hosts could have professional shots of their properties taken.
Learning and course-correcting as they went, Chesky and Gebbia
saw their customer base rocket from one thousand in 2009 to over a mil-
lion in 2011. Airbnb’s fi nancials are not formally disclosed, but in 2015,
market reports placed its value at $25.5 billion with projected revenue of
$900 million for the year, based on the company’s reported three-million-
plus listed properties worldwide.
Not all startup stories are so bright, of course. A complete defi nition of
the entrepreneur must also recognize another factor: risk. In the fi nancial
world, risk contains the possibility of both gain and loss. The entrepreneur
puts skin in the game—usually in the form of time and personal savings.
If the venture goes badly, his or her time and hard-earned savings are lost.
And indeed, 75 percent of startup ventures fail to return investors’ capital,
according to research by Harvard Business School’s Shikhar Ghosh. But if
things go well, the entrepreneur can reap a sizable profi t. So if you have a
business idea or an idea about how to fi ll a market need—or even if you just
think you’re interested in starting a business—how do you make sure that
your venture is successful?
The same basic process applies whether your idea is the next high-
growth wunderkind, a robust B2B player in a critical industry niche, or
a local retail shop close to home. You recognize a potential commercial
opportunity and pursue it through an organization, your own managerial
or technical talents, and some combination of human and fi nancial capital.
Of course it’s never quite this simple; in fact, the entrepreneurial journey
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often takes many twists and turns. This book will walk you through this
process in more detail.
The role of entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs play an important role in society. As described by econo-
mist Joseph Schumpeter in the 1930s, entrepreneurs act as a force for cre-
ative destruction, sweeping away established technologies, products, and
ways of doing things and replacing them with others that the marketplace
as a whole sees as representing greater value. In this sense, entrepreneurs
are agents of change and, hopefully, progress. Thus, it was entrepreneurs
who displaced home kerosene lamps with brighter and cleaner-burning
gas in the middle to late 1800s. Those gas lamps, in turn, were displaced
by Edison’s incandescent electric light system, which provided better per-
formance and greater safety. Fluorescent lighting came along years later,
displacing many incandescent applications.
We see this pattern repeated in virtually every industry. Entrepreneurs
invent or commercialize new technologies that displace the old. Photo-
copying, the personal computer, the World Wide Web, the spreadsheet,
and new and improved drug therapies and medical devices are all prod-
ucts of enterprising entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs also introduce products,
services, and platforms that deliver something entirely new: the electronic
calculator, next-day package delivery, crowd fund-raising, aircraft simu-
lation software, oral contraceptives, angioplasty to open narrow heart ar-
teries, and online marketplaces for everything from apartment rentals and
ride-sharing to homemade crafts and fi nancial payments. Entrepreneurs
have given us even mundanely useful things that our parents or grand-
parents would not have imagined: computers we take everywhere (like our
iPhones), contact lenses, milk in aseptic packaging that requires no refrig-
eration, online auctions that bring together buyers and sellers from every
part of the world, and on and on. These products and services improve
customers’ lives. Many are also benefi cial to society and to the planet, be
they improved drug therapies, microloan systems that alleviate poverty
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4�HBR’s Entrepreneur’s Handbook
around the globe, or drones that target pesticides to the crops that need
them most, eliminating waste and pollution.
In conceiving of these new products and services and forming and
running enterprises to bring them to customers and users, entrepreneurs
often sweep away stagnant industries and replace them with growing ones
that generate new jobs, often at higher wages. Thus they have a central role
in building wealth and dynamism in the societies in which their enter-
prises operate.
What’s ahead
This book takes a linear approach to entrepreneurship, from initial ques-
tions that you should ask yourself before you begin (“Am I the type of person
who should start a business?”) to the last issue that you’ll need to consider
as a successful business owner (“How can I cash out of the business I’ve
built?”). Though your own experience is likely to differ from this simplifi ed
framework—the entrepreneurial process is nothing if not iterative—this
book should give you a good overview of the issues you’ll probably face and
how to approach them.
Part 1 prepares you for your journey. In chapter 1, we describe the
self-diagnosis that every prospective entrepreneur should undertake. Are
you the right type of person to start up and operate a business? This chap-
ter will help you answer that important question.
Part 2 helps you defi ne your enterprise. The fi rst steps in the entrepre-
neurial process are to identify and evaluate potential business opportuni-
ties. Chapter 2 offers fi ve characteristics you should look for in a business
opportunity, particularly focusing on the problem your business is trying
to solve. It also introduces the lean-startup methodology as a way to eval-
uate market interest and to experiment with other hypotheses about the
opportunity you’ve identifi ed.
If your initial evaluation of the opportunity pans out, you’ll further
refi ne your business model and strategy. These two critical concepts are
the focus of chapter 3. It describes how the business model explains the
way key components of the enterprise work together to make money—and
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how to begin to test your business model with real customers. It also shows
how strategy must be designed to differentiate the entity and confer it with
a competitive advantage. Finally, the chapter offers a fi ve-step process for
formulating strategy and aligning business activities with it.
Assuming that your evaluations and experiments have given you con-
tinued confi dence in your business idea, you’ll need to structure your busi-
ness from a legal perspective. In chapter 4, you’ll learn about the various
legal forms of business organization used in the United States. You’ll see
their pros and cons and decide which organizational structure is best for
your venture: a limited-liability corporation, a sole proprietorship, a part-
nership, a corporation, or something else.
Chapter 5 gets you started on writing a plan for your business, incorpo-
rating many of the elements discussed previously. A business plan explains
the opportunity, identifi es the market to be served, and provides details
about how your organization expects to pursue the opportunity. The plan
also describes the unique qualifi cations that the management team brings
to the effort, lists the resources required for success, and predicts the re-
sults over a reasonable time horizon. This chapter tells you why a business
plan is necessary, gives you a format for organizing one, and offers tips for
developing each section in the format. It also describes other documents
similar to a business plan, such as a pitch deck.
Part 3 focuses on how to get the funding you need to fi nance the vari-
ous stages of your enterprise. The global recession of 2008 took a big toll on
entrepreneurship, a sector that has not yet recovered. In the United States,
new business starts went from 525,000 in 2007 to just over 400,000 in
2014. There are many reasons for this drop-off, but small businesses tend
to fare the worst in a recession because they depend heavily on bank debt,
which becomes harder to obtain during economic downturns. Since the re-
cession, some new forms of fi nancing, such as crowdfunding, angel invest-
ing, and online banking, have appeared. This part of the book describes
those new forms along with more traditional methods of raising capital.
Chapter 6 concentrates on the fi nancing requirements that businesses
typically encounter in the fi rst phase of their life cycles. It also provides an
overview of life cycles for different types of businesses.
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6�HBR’s Entrepreneur’s Handbook
In chapter 7, the discussion of fi nancing continues. It addresses the
next stages of a business’s life cycle: that of growth and maturity.
Chapter 8 focuses on rapidly growing fi rms and their need for external
capital specifi cally. Entrepreneurs can bootstrap early development from
personal sources, friends, and relatives, but these enterprises usually need
external infusions of capital to move to a higher level. This chapter intro-
duces two external sources of capital—angel investors and venture capi-
talists or venture-capital fi rms (VCs)—and explains how best to approach
them and win their support.
At some point, many growing fi rms with exceptional revenue potential
seek and obtain fi nancing through an initial public offering (IPO) of their
shares to individual and institutional investors such as pension funds and
mutual funds. That rare event results in a signifi cant exchange of paper
ownership shares for the hard cash the fi rm needs for stability and expan-
sion. Chapter 9 describes what it takes to be an IPO candidate, the pros
and cons of going public, the role of investment bankers, and eight steps
for doing a deal. Because very few businesses will obtain external capi-
tal from an IPO, we also present an alternative arrangement: the private
In part 4, we discuss the effects of growth on your organization. Par-
adoxically, success is sometimes the entrepreneurial company’s greatest
enemy; hierarchy, bureaucracy, and complacency frequently follow. Chap-
ter 10 walks you through the organizational and strategic aspects of deal-
ing with growth, while chapter 11 emphasizes that you as a leader may
need to reexamine your way of working and even your own role as your
business becomes larger.
As organizations grow, they tend to become more complacent about
how to best serve their customers. Chapter 12 addresses how you can sus-
tain entrepreneurial innovation and energy in your growing company even
as it naturally becomes more process-driven and operations-focused. You
can keep new ideas fl ourishing through efforts to manage your organiza-
tion’s culture, strategic considerations around innovation, and your own
leadership involvement.
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Finally, in part 5, we look to the future. In chapter 13, you learn about
harvesting your investment in a private business. Founders—and the busi-
ness angels and venture capitalists who support them—look forward to
the day when they can turn their paper ownership into real money. This
chapter describes the motivations that lead to harvesting, the primary
mechanisms for doing so, and the methods you can use to answer the
all-important question, “What is this business worth?”
Additional resources
The back of this book contains material you may fi nd useful. Appendix A
is a primer on fi nancial statements. If you haven’t studied accounting or
haven’t thought about it for a long time, this material will bring you up
to speed. Go to appendix B for details of breakeven analysis not covered
elsewhere in the book. Appendix C provides an overview of the methods
used to determine the value of business enterprises. The appendix won’t
make you a master of this very technical and specialized subject, but
it will teach you enough that you can deal intelligently with valuation
experts. Finally, appendix D is taken directly from the US Securities and
Exchange Commission site. It explains Rule 144 on the sale of restricted
and control stock. Few readers will ever need to understand Rule 144,
but those who do may fi nd this useful reading.
The appendixes are followed by a glossary that provides definitions
of key terms.
Finally, the book includes a “Further Reading” section. There you’ll fi nd suggestions of books and articles—both recent and classics—that
provide more detailed information or unique insights into the topics cov-
ered in these chapters.
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Preparing for the Journey
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Is Starting a Business Right for You?
What makes entrepreneurs tick? More specifi cally, what are the personal
traits and backgrounds of people who become successful entrepreneurs?
This chapter considers those questions and helps you decide whether you
have the right stuff to be a business entrepreneur.
Many books and websites include self-scoring tests that you can use
to assess your fi tness for entrepreneurial life. (The US Small Business
Administration [SBA] provides one such test on its site at https://www
.sba .gov/starting-business/how-start-business/entrepreneurship-you.)
These assessments can be a good place to start as you think through
what entrepreneurial work would mean for you and whether it’s a good
fi t for your personality and goals. This self-evaluation is especially useful
if you’re starting with an idea for a business. Having ideas is important,
but it’s only one step in a process that also requires other skills and per-
sonality traits.
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12�Preparing for the Journey
This and other tests typically integrate some combination or subset of
the traits shown in table 1-1. Let’s look at these traits in more detail.
Ideas and drive
Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek, founding partners of New
Mountain Ventures, an entrepreneurial leadership development company,
describe the basic process of entrepreneurship as follows: “Understand a
problem, grasp its full context, connect previously unconnected dots, and
have the vision, courage, resourcefulness, and persistence to see the solu-
tion through to fruition.”
Without those fi rst elements—a full understanding of a problem, new
connections, and a vision or direction for a solution—there is no entrepre-
neurial venture. Whether the problem you’ve identifi ed is global or local,
broad or niche, your ability to spot it and conceive new solutions is a core
element of entrepreneurship. And passion about the problem you are solv-
ing might not be as important as you think—see the box “A passion for the
People skills
Having identifi ed a problem or even a potential solution is one thing. But
to launch a successful venture, you must also make other people see the
merits of your idea and invest in it—whether they are employees, custom-
ers, or funders. Your ability to lead, persuade, take feedback, and build a
network will determine whether you’ll actually be able to bring your idea
to fruition.
In the HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business, Harvard Business
School professors Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yud
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