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MIS782 – Value of Information – Trimester 1 2024

Assessment Task 1 – IT Portfolio and RBV Theory – Individual

DUE DATE: Monday, 2 Dec 2024, by 8:00pm (Melbourne time)


WORD COUNT: Maximum number of words (1500 words)



By completing this task, you will develop skills in developing an understanding of how information and IT  can generate business value and improve a business’s overall competitiveness using both IT Portfolio  theory and RBV, and then produce a 1,500-word report on your findings. This term we are looking at  Nike, a well-known brand name in the sports industry. Note the assigned case organization will also be used  for assignment 2.

Specific Requirements

This report should be 1,500 words (excluding the references and appendices). To complete this report, you  should conduct research on Nike’s digital transformation and its competitiveness. Your task is to understand  its investments in information and IT for business value returns to support the business. You also need to  examine its key resources and capabilities to assess its competitiveness in a highly competitive market. More  specifically, you should find answers to the following two questions:

1. To what extent does this organization have an IT portfolio which provides a balanced view of value, risk  and return? Answer the question using examples of key IT assets the organization seems to have  invested in the last five years for gaining real business value for competitive advantage. Indicate if the  business returns are tangible or intangible.

2. In general, firms cannot expect to obtain sustained competitive advantage when strategic resources are  evenly distributed across all competing firms and highly mobile. Hence, competitive advantage does not  occur unless heterogeneity and immobility are present. Based on the arguments around imperfectly  imitable and the concept of resources and capabilities, discuss each of the four factors of the VRIO  framework with respect to the key resources and capabilities to explain the organization’s current  position in the competitive landscape.

Below you can find a detailed description of the required sections for this report:

• Executive Summary (~150 words): In this section, you need to briefly summarize key IT assets,  resources and capabilities of the organization that you have selected for this report. You should also  briefly mention whether these capabilities helped the organization to gain competitive advantage.

• Introduction and Organizational background (~250 words): In this section, you need to briefly explain  the information-based competitive environment of the organization and its business model in terms of  its market, strategy, operations and overall industry. You should use the business model canvas (see  useful resources) to structure the arguments in this section.

• IT Portfolio theory view (~350 words): In this section, you should write your response to Question 1  above. Your arguments should be supported by references from the literature (both  practitioner/academic).

• RBV theory and VRIO analysis (~650 words): In this section, you should write your response to  Question 2 above. Your arguments should be supported by references from the literature (both  practitioner/academic).

• Conclusion (~100 words): In this section, you should conclude by stating your key conclusions about  the competitiveness of the organization. You should also include a brief discussion on factors or threats  that may affect sustainability of its competitive advantage in future.

• References: References and citations showing the source of all the information in the report need to be  provided (APA7 style). The references used must demonstrate thorough research using quality  references such as journal articles, book sections, conference papers, and industry reports to support  your arguments in the sections above. Further information about referencing and academic skills  support can be found at:

• Appendices: In this section, you should place figures or tables that illustrate or summarize your key  points from the discussion section.

Useful Resources:

• MIS782 reading list

• Key article that introduces you to the theoretical model used in this assessment:

o IT Portfolio framework – Weill, P., and Aral, S. (2006). Generating premium returns on your  IT investments, MIT Sloan Management Review, 47:2, pp 39-48.

o Barney, J. (2012). Evaluating the firm’s internal capabilities, Strategic Management and  Competitive Advantage: Concepts, 4th Ed, Pearson (Boston).

• MIS782 unit help guide by library for researching Nike related content

• Tips and resources on report writing.

• Research and synthesis: Synthesizing research sources involves reading all the sources to find  similarities and differences between what you read in the sources. You then write, in your own words,  the similarities and differences you found. The ability to synthesize research sources is critical in  university studies, and working in industry, because it enables you to demonstrate your ability to think  critically and reach your own conclusions and interpretations.

• Business Model Canvas:


Learning Outcomes

This task allows you to demonstrate your achievement towards the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) which  have been aligned to the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs). Deakin GLOs describe the knowledge  and capabilities graduates acquire and can demonstrate on completion of their course. This assessment task  is an important tool in determining your achievement of the ULOs. If you do not demonstrate achievement  of the ULOs you will not be successful in this unit. You are advised to familiarize yourself with these ULOs  and GLOs as they will inform you on what you are expected to demonstrate for successful completion of this unit.

The learning outcomes that are aligned to this assessment task are:

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)

Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)

ULO 1: Critically analyze how information and  IT can generate business value and improve the firm’s overall competitiveness

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and


GLO2: Communication

GLO4: Critical thinking


Where can we find a summary for the assessment?

• All details are provided in this document. In Module 5, the assessment is released

formally in Cloud Deakin with all details and links. Lecture week 9 will also introduce the  assignment 1.

Is the word count of 1,500 a hard limit or just a recommendation?

• The word limit is 1,500 words with a variance of +/- 10%.

Do we have to use the theory to answer the questions?

• The questions clearly state which theory to use for the answers. It is expected that student responses will  be informed through these theory analyses.

If I have any questions about the assessment task, where should I ask/post my question?

1. You are encouraged in the first instance to ask questions to your lecturer/tutor during the class/seminar. 2. You can also post questions on the Cloud Deakin site in the assignment 3 discussion thread. The teaching team will respond to this forum.


You must submit your assignment in the Assignment Dropbox in the unit Cloud Deakin site on or before the  due date. When uploading your assignment, name your document using the following syntax: <your  surname_your first name_your Deakin student ID number_[unitcode].doc (or ‘.dox’). For example,  ‘Jones_Barry_123456789_ABC123.doc’.

Submitting a hard copy of this assignment is not required. You must keep a backup copy of every assignment  you submit until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your  assignments is misplaced you will need to submit your backup copy.

Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion  and/or plagiarism and for authenticating work.

When you submit an assignment through your Cloud Deakin unit site, you will receive an email to your  Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your  assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment Dropbox folder after upload and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.

Marking and feedback

The marking rubric indicates the assessment criteria for this task. It is available in the Cloud Deakin unit  site in the Assessment folder, under Assessment Resources. Criteria act as a boundary around the task  and help specify what assessors are looking for in your submission. The criteria are drawn from the  ULOs and align with the GLOS. You should familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria before  completing and submitting this task.

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on Cloud Deakin  15 working days after the submission date.


PLEASE note NO extensions will be granted, unless for exceptional and/or unavoidable circumstances  outside of your control. Requests for extensions must be made by 12 noon on the submission date using the online Extension Request form under the Assessment tab on the unit Cloud Deakin site. All requests for extensions should be supported by appropriate evidence (e.g., a medical certificate in the case of ill health).

Applications for extensions after 12 noon on the submission date require University level special consideration and these applications must be submitted via Student Connect in your Deakin Sync site.

Late submission penalties

If you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension or special consideration, 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each day after the due date up to seven days*. Work  submitted more than seven days after the due date will not be marked and will receive 0% for the task. The  Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the  task after the due date. *’Day’ means calendar day for electronic submissions and working day for paper  submissions.

An example of how the calculation of the late penalty based on an assignment being due on a Thursday at  8:00pm is as follows:

• 1 day late: submitted after Thursday 11:59 pm and before Friday 11:59 pm– 5% penalty.  • 2 days late: submitted after Friday 11:59 pm and before Saturday 11:59pm – 10% penalty.  • 3 days late: submitted after Saturday 11:59 pm and before Sunday 11:59pm – 15% penalty.  • 4 days late: submitted after Sunday 11:59 pm and before Monday 11:59 pm – 20% penalty.  • 5 days late: submitted after Monday 11:59 pm and before Tuesday 11:59 pm – 25% penalty.  • 6 days late: submitted after Tuesday 11:59 pm and before Wednesday 11:59 pm – 30% penalty.  • 7 days late: submitted after Wednesday 11:59 pm and before Thursday 11:59 pm – 35% penalty.

The Dropbox closes the Thursday after 11:59pm AEST/AEDT time.


The Division of Student Life provides a range of Study Support resources and services, available throughout  the academic year, including Writing Mentor and Math Mentor online drop ins and the Smart Thinking 24  hour writing feedback service at this link. If you would prefer some more in depth and tailored support, make an appointment online with a Language and Learning Adviser.

Referencing and Academic Integrity

Deakin takes academic integrity very seriously. It is important that you (and if a group task, your group)  complete your own work in every assessment task Any material used in this assignment that is not your  original work must be acknowledged as such and appropriately referenced. You can find information about

referencing (and avoiding breaching academic integrity) and other study support resources at the following  website:

Your rights and responsibilities as a student

As a student you have both rights and responsibilities. Please refer to the document Your rights and  responsibilities as a student in the Unit Guide & Information section in the Content area in the Cloud Deakin  unit site.


IT Portfolio and RBV Theory (Individual report)




N (0-29)

N (30-49)

P (50-59)

C (60-69)

D (70-79)

HD (80-100)


development and  analysis, ULO1 &  ULO3, GLO1 &

GLO4, (20 marks)

The analysis provided  in the report does not  meet the academic

standards and


Fails to provide

relevant content, such  as business canvas to  inform business

model; IT portfolio

asset classes and key  examples for each

class; RBV and VRIO  with key resources and  capabilities for



No (relevant) research  has been used to

support the analysis.

Report demonstrates  little/no knowledge  or use of business

canvas to inform

business model; IT

portfolio asset

classes and key

examples for each

class; RBV and VRIO  with key resources  and capabilities for  competitive


Little or no (relevant)  research has been

used to support the  analysis.

Adequate discussion is  presented on the

business canvas that  informed business

model; IT portfolio

asset classes and key  examples for each

class; RBV and VRIO  with key resources and  capabilities for


advantage, but

analysis is quite

superficial and generic  arguments are

presented throughout  the report.

Some relevant

research, but a lot

more is required to

support the analysis.

Good discussion is

presented on business  canvas to inform

business model; IT

portfolio asset classes  and key examples for  each class; RBV and

VRIO with key resources  and capabilities for

competitive advantage,  but analysis a little

superficial and generic  arguments are

presented in several  places in the report.

Mostly relevant

research was used to  support the analysis, but  more such research is  needed to support the  analysis.

Mostly advanced

discussion is presented  on business canvas to  inform business

model; IT portfolio

asset classes and key  examples for each

class; RBV and VRIO  with key resources and  capabilities for

competitive advantage  but lacks originality.

Mostly advanced,

detailed and relevant  research was used to  support the analysis.

Advanced discussion  is presented on

business canvas to  inform business

model; IT portfolio  asset classes and key  examples for each  class; RBV and VRIO  with key resources  and capabilities for  competitive


Advanced, detailed  and highly relevant  research was used to  support the analysis.


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