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Brief Spiritual Assessment
Assignment Three: Brief Spiritual Assessment – Over the course of this class we have examined our personal spiritual/religious journeys and how they might impact our work with clients. We have identified the importance of engaging clients in discussions to explore their spiritual beliefs in order to ensure our work with them is conducted with their spirituality or lack thereof in mind. This exercise provides students with an opportunity to practice completing a spiritual assessment and engage in reflection regarding its implementation. This paper is worth 25 points of your final grade.
Instructions: Go to this webpage (https://www.nacsw.org/Download/CSW/SpiritualAssess.pdf) and read the “SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT: A REVIEW OF COMPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT MODELS” pdf. Pay special attention to the section titled Spiritual Histories from pages 179-181. Students will complete the spiritual histories assessment either with a peer in this course or an adult outside of this course. If you partner with a peer from this course you may include their names. If you decide to complete the assessment with someone outside of this course you will keep their names confidential and not include their names in your paper. You are to address all questions in the 9 parts of Table 1 which is about 40 questions AND the reflection questions listed under question 6. This paper should be APA with all of the fixings including -a title page, introduction and conclusion paragraphs, headings, and a reference page. The body of your paper should be in narrative form when addressing the questions vs restating or numbering all of the questions and answers. Your paper should include at least 5 references and should be a minimum of 8 / Maximum of 12 pages including the title and reference page.
Table I. Guidelines for conducting spiritual histories
Initial Narrative Framework

1. Describe the religious/spiritual tradition you grew up in. How did your
family express its spiritual beliefs? How important was spirituality to your
family? Extended family?

2. What sort of personal experiences (practices) stand out to you during
your years at home? What made these experiences special? How have they informed your later life?

3. How have you transitioned or matured from those experiences? How
would you describe your current spiritual/religious orientation? Is your
spirituality a personal strength? If so, how?

Interpretive Anthropological Framework
1. Affect: What aspects of your spiritual life give you pleasure? What role
does your spirituality play in handling life’s sorrows? Enhancing its joys?
Coping with its pain? How does your spirituality give you hope for the
future? What do you wish to accomplish in the future?

2. Behavior: Are there particular spiritual rituals or practices that help you
deal with life’s obstacles? What is your level of involvement in faith-based
communities? How are they supportive? Are there spiritually encouraging
individuals that you maintain contact with?

3. Cognitive: What are your current religious/spiritual beliefs? What are they
based upon? What beliefs do you find particularly meaningful? What does
your faith say about trials? How does this belief help you overcome
obstacles? How do your beliefs affect your health practices?

4. Communion: Describe your relationship to the Ultimate. What has been
your experience of the Ultimate? How does the Ultimate communicate
with you? How have these experiences encouraged you? Have there been
times of deep spiritual intimacy? How does your relationship help you face
life challenges? How would the Ultimate describe you?

5. Conscience: How do you determine right and wrong? What are your key
values? How does your spirituality help you deal with guilt (sin)? What role
does forgiveness play in your life?

6. Intuition: To what extent do you experience intuitive hunches (flashes of
creative insight, premonitions, spiritual insights)? Have these insights been a
strength in your life? If so, how?

(Hodge, 2003, p. 21-22 Table1)


Reflection: How did you feel completing this assessment with your interviewee? What feelings came up that you were not expecting? Did you identify any negative feelings or biases during the assessment? What value could you see this type of assessment adding to your work with clients? What potential risks did you identify/encounter while conducting the assessment? If you didn’t identify any risks, what instances might pose risks if you were interviewing someone else? How did interviewing this person impact your spiritual/religious beliefs? How did it impact your biases about their spirituality/religion?

This typewritten paper must be double-spaced, neat, contain grammatically correct language and be free of spelling errors. If references are cited, they must conform to APA (7th edition) format. Internet references/articles are not acceptable unless they are online professional journal articles or are related to the online information generated by the religious institution. However, internet references generated from religious institutions websites are limited to two.

Hodge, D. R., Ph. D. (2003). Spiritual Assessment: Handbook for Helping Professionals (pp. 21-22Table1). North American Association of Christians in Social Work. https://www.nacsw.org/Download/CSW/SpiritualAssess.pdf


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