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ICT300 Broadband Access Technologies and Networks Assignment

Assessment Information and Rubric

Subject Code ICT300
Subject Name Broadband Access Technologies and Networks
Assessment Number and Title Assessment 4: Individual Assessment Technical Project: Real-time Human Detection & Counting Using Python for IoT Applications
Assessment Type Individual Assignment: Report + Presentations
Length / Duration 1500 words
Weighting % 40 (30% for the report and 10% presentations)
Total Marks 40
Submission Turnitin
Plagiarism will be checked.
Due Date Report Submission: Week 11
In-Class Demonstration: Week 12 During Lecture
Mode Individual Assignment Report Individual Presentations
Format Individual Assignment Report: MS Office/ PDF Presentation: Power Point/ Prezi (5-7 Min)

Assessment Description and Instructions

Telecommunication occurs when the exchange of information between communication participants includes the use of technology. Broadband access technologies can be utilised to obtain connection between different devices, M2M communication and IoT connections. One of the crucial utilisations of these technologies after COVID is the number of people counting on public places. The linear growth of population has resulted in a large number of people comes to public places. In this assessment, the students will thus provide the count of the person in particular area malls, supermarket, indoor playgrounds, or clinics.

It is very crucial these days to implement various techniques to understand the communication along with AI and deep learning mechanism. To demonstrate them graphically, PYTHON having special functions makes students able to learn efficiently through graphical representation of different techniques.

Requirements and the Specifications

In this assessment students are required to design an algorithm by using Python (3.0 or up) to count the number of people by using laptop camera or webcam. The objective is to build a system that has the following features.

  • Read the frames from the Video.
  • Draw a desired reference line on the input frame.
  • Detect the people using the object detection model.
  • Mark the centroid on the detected person.
  • Track the movement of that marked centroid.
  • Calculate the direction of centroid movement.
  • Count the number of people coming in or going out of a reference line.
  • Based on the counting, increment the up or down counter.

Minimum Hardware Specifications:

PROCESSOR: Core I3 or Above RAM: 2GB RAM



Minimum Software Specifications:

OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows 7 or above FRONT END : Python (3.0 or Above)

The criteria to be discussed and analysed in the report are as follows:

  1. How essential this work would be in the development of IoT based devices where the number of people counting is crucial. What are privacy limitations of this project and what would be the solution. Justify your answer.
  2. How successfully the Python code is implemented and executed, what are the future recommendations of this work. What is your suggestion to get the exact number of people counting without camera by using WiFi only?

Marking criteria:

Report 30 Marks Presentation 10 Marks

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks
Abstract/Introduction Summarize the project, the outcomes and the Introduction to topic and the challenges 4
Criteria 1: Significance of the topic/ Privacy Limitations Significance of this in the development of IoT based devices where the number of people counting is crucial. Privacy limitations of this project and the solution 7
Criteria 2: Source Code/ Recommendations Write Python code to get the desired results stated in Abstract proposal. Suggestion to get the exact number of people counting without camera by using WiFi only 7
Analysis of the performance Provide an analysis over the performance metrics of the topic: positive and negative points. Consider the factors that impact the quality or the performance of the project   4
Conclusion Write summary of the report highlighting the key points of your report 4
Reference style/ Report Layout Follow IEEE reference style and PIA standard format Report layout, style and writing.   4
Demonstration   10
  Total 40

ICT300 Assessment # 4 Marking Rubric Emerging Wireless Technology Trends 40%

Marking   Criteria F (Fail)   0-49% P (Pass)   50-64% C (Credit)   65-74% D (Distinction)   75-84% HD (High Distinction)   85-100%
Abstract/Introduction/Challenges /Motivation       /4 Unsatisfactorily or unclearly conveys the project topic. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Unable analysis of the Technological trends in wireless communication Fairly conveys the project topic Some relevance and briefly presented. Poor analysis of the Technological trends in wireless communication Accurately conveys the project topic, methods. Generally relevant and analysed. Fair analysis of the Technological trends in wireless communication Accurately conveys the project topic, methods, and outcomes. Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Good analysis of the Technological trends in wireless communication Accurately Plus concisely conveys the project topic, methods, and outcomes. All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated. Excellent analysis of the Technological trends in wireless communication
Criteria 1: Significance of the topic,   Significance of this in the development of IoT based devices where the number of people counting is crucial.   Privacy limitations of this project and the solution   /7 Unable to express the importance of the work in the development of latest wireless technologies including the cellular and visible light communication. Poor analysis of the importance of the work in the development of latest wireless technologies. Fair analysis of the importance of the work in the development of latest wireless technologies Good analysis of the importance of the work in the development of latest wireless technologies. Excellent analysis and explanation of importance of the work in the development of latest wireless technologies including the cellular and visible light communication.
  Criteria 2: Write Python code to get the desired results stated in Abstract proposal.   Suggestion to get the exact number of people counting without camera by using WiFi only   Provide an analysis over the performance metrics of the topic   /11   No Source Code is provided, No discussion on the results.   Source Code is provided but not executing/ No Results are obtained/ Output not displayed/ , No discussion on the results.   Source Code is provided but working with some errors/ Results are not appropriate/, No discussion on the results.   Source code is provided and working appropriately but need more explanation or modifications.   Source code is provided and working appropriately Excellent understanding of the source code. The results are comprehensively explained with logics
Conclusion Reference and Layout /8 Argument is confused and disjointed. Lacks consistency with many errors Adequate cohesion and conviction. Sometimes clear referencing style Mostly consistent logical and convincing. Generally good referencing style Consistency logical and convincing. Clear referencing style Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments. Clear styles with excellent source of references.
Demonstration   /10 Demonstration is confused and disjointed. Lack of knowledge about the design Adequate cohesion and conviction. Team members show a poor knowledge about the design Mostly consistent logical and convincing. Team members show a limited knowledge about the design Consistency logical and convincing. Team members show a good knowledge about the design Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments. Team members show a strong knowledge about the design

Presentations 10 Marks

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