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In response to Texas businesses and employers, the Texas State Legislature has strongly encouraged the state’s colleges and universities to ensure students learn not only knowledge related to their major/course of study, but also prove they have key marketable skills that will help them become valuable employees. To that end, the TJC Government and Economics Department has developed special assignments to assess student skills in the following areas:

Critical Thinking
Personal Responsibility
Social Responsibility

For this assessment you will read about a Supreme Court decision and answer a series of questions about what you’ve read. The questions will be used to assess how well you can:

communicate your thoughts in writing,
gather a variety of facts to objectively consider an issue (critical thinking),
recognize personal dilemmas, connect consequences to choices made/actions taken and which personal values influenced those actions, and
recognize whether the case indicates social responsibility was being demonstrated (or not).

First read the questions in the assessment below so you will have a general idea of what you will be looking for in the opinion. After reading the questions, then thoroughly read the opinion. You may find it helpful to print the opinion for highlighting or note-taking purposes, or if your computer has highlighting and note-taking features, you may do so without printing.  Make sure that you first understand the issue (or problem) in the case and who is affected by the issue.  Then make sure you understand the decision made by the majority of the Supreme Court justices and the constitutional basis for their decision.

Answers to the questions should be written in accurate, detailed and complete sentences, using correct grammar and punctuation, without abbreviations or informal jargon.  Do NOT copy and paste information from the opinion into the answer block as your response; responses should be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Most questions will require several sentences or a full paragraph to adequately answer.  Trust me when I say that one sentence answers will not do and will not earn you full credit on the assignment.  A big part of your grade in this assignment is showing how well you can communicate through writing!  If done correctly, this assignment should take one to two hours to complete and submit. (Be sure to hit “submit” upon completion.)

The rubric linked below shows how you will be assessed according to the minimum expectations of academic performance.  In addition to the “achieves/doesn’t achieve” performance score on the rubric, you will also receive a numeric grade for your work on this assignment. Please realize that your “score on the rubric” is not the same thing as your “grade for the assignment.”  If, through your writing, you only meet the minimum expectations, you will only receive a minimum passing grade.  See your syllabus for the value assigned to this assignment. 

After reading the opinion, return to this page to answer all the questions listed below.

https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/249/47/#tab-opinion-1928047Links to an external site.

2020-2021 CSLO Marketable Skills




CT1-2 Explanation

2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Explanation of the issue clearly states all relevant aspects.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Explanation of the issue is scanty, incomplete, or unclear.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts

CT1-3 Evidence

2.0 pts: Meets Expectations Information from reliable sources is integrated into a coherent narrative.  Underlying assumptions are acknowledged and addressed

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Evidence is lacking, incomplete, contradictory, irrelevant, or unclear. Assumptions are not examined or addressed.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts

CT1-4 Conclusion


2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Conclusions and/or outcomes are clearly explained and justified.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

No clear conclusion is stated, or the conclusion is not related to supporting information, or not justified.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts



2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

A specific position is expressed and defended based on the evidence.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

No clear position is expressed, or the position is unsupported by evidence, or is not logically based on the evidence presented.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts

PR-1 Identification

2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Identifies and describes simple personal dilemmas in scenarios from life situations and/or from theoretical scenarios.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Has difficulty either identifying or describing simple personal dilemmas in scenarios from life situations and/or from theoretical scenarios.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts

PR-2 Connection


2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Uses insights to connect actions and choices to consequences of a decision made in relation to the dilemma.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Does not use insights to connect actions and choices to consequences of a decision made in relation to the dilemma.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts




2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Adequately articulates an understanding of the personal values which influenced the decision.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Fails to articulate an understanding of the personal values which influenced the decision.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts


Civic Responsibility

2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Identifies some civic responsibilities.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Is not able to identify civic responsibility.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts


Develops Ideas


2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Establishes a purpose; develops ideas but may miss opportunities for further development; shows awareness of audience with minor lapses.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

No clear purpose; shows minimal awareness of audience.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts


Interprets Ideas


2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Interpretation of ideas evident but sometimes lacks clarity; uses cited sources but with minor errors if applicable.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Lacks clarity of ideas; fails to use/cite sources or cited sources incorrectly if applicable.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts

CS-3 Expresses Ideas


2.0 pts: Meets Expectations

Uses information that generally conveys meaning.

1.0 pts: Does Not Meet Expectations

Uses information that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage.

0.0 pts

Did Not Complete

2.0 pts



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