This assignment will comprise of three parts.
In the first part of this assignment, you will write about a situation, an event, an emotional state or set of circumstances, a period of life,
when you began to develop or quickly gained an understanding of your relationship to ONE of the social categories such as race, class,
gender, sexuality, religion, nation, age, ability, family, language etc.
The first part of this assignment will be autoethnography. You will have to come up with an interesting title for this one part. In this section,
you will write about a situation, an event, or set of circumstances, a period of life, or a state of mind when you began to develop or quickly
gained an understanding of your relationship to ONE of the social categories such as race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, nation, age,
ability, family, language etc. It could be a simple thing such as an interaction with an unhoused person on the street or being treated
differently at a grocery store due to the way you look. Your task will be to set a stage by depicting the socio-economic contexts of the stories
to help transport the readers to that situation.
I will urge you to select the topic very carefully and responsibly. Thus, avoid writing about traumatic events in your life (death in the
family, instances of abuse), unless you have worked them through with the help of a trained professional and/or you are confident
that you are not endangering your health by focusing on them in your paper.
In the second part of the paper, named “2. Data Analysis” (2 pages), you will exhibit what you have learned from that experience about
culture/society. You will achieve that by conducting cultural analysis. Here, you will be expected to refer (through in-text citations) to the
knowledge acquired throughout this course (from assigned readings, films, and course notes) and reflect upon the role of power, privilege,
ideologies, and social inequalities, in shaping your and other people’s life trajectories. In doing so, you will be deepening your understanding
of the course content and demonstrating your level of knowledge to the instructor.
In the third part, “3. The Reflection” (2 pages), you will be asked to reflect upon your process of autoethnography writing and data
collection. You will do that by referring to and demonstrating familiarity with 4 chapters (3,6,9 and 10), or around 60 pages, of
Autoethnography as a Method by Heewon Chang (available through ARES). Chang’s book will unpack the nuts and bolts of this method,
starting from the discussion of the data collection process, followed by an examination of steps involved in their analysis and interpretation,
ending with the review of stages needed to write an effective autoethnography. Here, I will be interested to learn about how you came up with
your topic, how you generated the data and more. In this part, you will be expected to refer (through in-text citations and ethnography) to
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