Infographic Assignment: Psychological Disorder
Follow the Steps Below to Complete the Assignment:
STEP 1: Create a 1-page graphic using (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Canva,, Photoshop, Google Doc, etc.). Include the following information on the Graphic:
· Name of psychological illness and/or mental disorder (e.g., anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.)
· Clinical definition (What is it?);
· Causes and risk factors (What causes the illness/disorder? Environmental/biological factors or is cause unproven); and
· Symptoms (How does one feel and/or behave with the illness/disorder?).
STEP 2: Include references in APA format at the bottom of the infographic.
Rubric for Infographic Assignment (100 Points Total)
1. Content (50 Points)
· Name and Clinical Definition (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Clearly and accurately provides the name of the illness/disorder and a concise, correct clinical definition.
· 7 Points: Provides the name and definition, but some details are unclear or slightly inaccurate.
· 4 Points: Minimal information provided; significant inaccuracies in the definition.
· 0 Points: Missing name and/or clinical definition.
· Causes and Risk Factors (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Thoroughly identifies causes and risk factors, clearly distinguishing between biological, environmental, and unproven causes.
· 7 Points: Includes some causes and risk factors but lacks depth or clarity in the explanation.
· 4 Points: Limited information with vague or unsupported statements.
· 0 Points: Missing causes and/or risk factors.
· Symptoms (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Provides a comprehensive list of symptoms, clearly describing how they affect behavior and feelings.
· 7 Points: Includes some symptoms but lacks clarity or detail in the description.
· 4 Points: Limited or unclear explanation of symptoms.
· 0 Points: Missing symptoms.
· References in APA Format (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Includes properly formatted references in APA style with accurate citation of sources.
· 7 Points: References included but with minor formatting or accuracy errors.
· 4 Points: References are incomplete or incorrectly formatted.
· 0 Points: Missing references.
2. Design and Presentation (30 Points)
· Visual Appeal and Creativity (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Infographic is visually engaging, creative, and uses appropriate colors, fonts, and layout to enhance understanding.
· 7 Points: Infographic is visually clear but lacks creativity or cohesion in design.
· 4 Points: Infographic is basic and lacks effort in visual presentation.
· 0 Points: Infographic is poorly designed or illegible.
· Organization and Clarity (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Information is well-organized, easy to follow, and logically structured.
· 7 Points: Information is mostly organized but could be improved for better flow.
· 4 Points: Information is disorganized or difficult to follow.
· 0 Points: Information is chaotic or unclear.
· Use of Graphics and Images (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Effective and relevant use of images, charts, or graphics to support content.
· 7 Points: Images or graphics are included but may lack relevance or clarity.
· 4 Points: Few or unclear graphics/images that do not enhance the content.
· 0 Points: Missing graphics/images.
3. Effort and Professionalism (20 Points)
· Completion and Adherence to Instructions (10 Points):
· 10 Points: Fully adheres to all assignment guidelines with no elements missing.
· 7 Points: Mostly follows guidelines but with minor omissions or errors.
· 4 Points: Partially follows guidelines with several omissions or inaccuracies.
· 0 Points: Does not follow assignment guidelines.
· Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics (10 Points):
· 10 Points: No spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors; writing is professional and polished.
· 7 Points: Few minor errors that do not detract from professionalism.
· 4 Points: Noticeable errors that affect clarity or professionalism.
· 0 Points: Numerous errors that significantly hinder understanding.
Total: 100 Points
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