IT 202 Project Two Knowledge Base Document Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Repeat these steps for each user problem that you want to create a knowledge base document for.
Gather Information
[Insert text]
Identify What Has Changed
[Insert text]
Create a Hypothesis
[Insert text]
Determine the Appropriate Fix
[Insert text]
Implement the Fix
[Insert text]
Ensure Satisfaction
[Insert text]
Document the Solution
[Insert text]
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IT 202 Project Two Milestone Guidelines and Rubric
You are an IT support specialist at a help desk for a large company. Recently, the company created a knowledge base that IT support specialists can refer to when a user calls in with technology
issues. The knowledge base has been helpful because the help desk receives many tickets and calls for what turn out to be the same issues. When IT support specialists have documents to refer
to during a call or the review of a ticket, the knowledge base increases ef�ciencies and provides users with more consistent and higher quality support.
As an IT support specialist at the company’s help desk, your project is to create documentation that will be added to the company’s knowledge base. This document will speak to the issues that
users have experienced frequently within the past 30 days. To complete this activity, review the �ve ticket submissions. Then you will use your troubleshooting skills to assess the underlying
causes of the users’ reported issues and how they should be resolved.
Troubleshooting Process: Create a document that explains what you would do for the �rst �ve steps of the troubleshooting process to resolve the issue stated in each ticket.
1. The �rst step in the troubleshooting process is to gather information. Explain how you would identify the problems that users most commonly experience and call the IT help desk for,
given the scenario.
To explain how you would identify the problems, you might want to write what questions you would ask to gather the information you need to troubleshoot successfully.
2. Since the second step of the troubleshooting process is to identify what has changed, explain how you would identify what may have changed in the system that may have caused the
problems, based on the computing issue.
3. Create a hypothesis of what you think the probable causes for the issues are, based on the information gathered in the �rst step. You may want to come up with several hypotheses.
4. Although you are not physically going to determine the appropriate �x by testing your hypotheses, explain how you would test your hypotheses as a part of the troubleshooting process.
You will also want to account for possible rami�cations that you could cause by �xing the issue based on your hypotheses.
5. Explain how you would implement the �x to verify the cause of the problem if you were the IT support specialist assisting users at the time.
In some cases, it could be that the IT support specialist had already implemented the �x; explain if you would have handled it similarly or differently.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Reading: Five Tickets
Before starting your project, review the ticket submissions from the last 30 days to determine the common technical issues that users are experiencing.
Template: Knowledge Base Document Template
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What to Submit
To complete this activity, you must upload a Word document that highlights the �rst �ve steps of the troubleshooting process for all �ve tickets. You will be graded on your troubleshooting
skills for all �ve tickets in one grade.
Project Two Milestone Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Gather Information Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Identi�es the common issues
reported by users
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
specifying password or log-in,
hardware issues, or software
Does not attempt criterion 20
Identify What Has Changed Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Identi�es what has changed in
the system that may be causing
the user issues
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
specifying new software or
hardware installations, or that
the user recently changed
something on the system
Does not attempt criterion 15
Create a Hypothesis Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Creates a hypothesis of the
probable causes of the issues
users are experiencing
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
narrowing down to one or two
most probable causes
Does not attempt criterion 20
Determine the Appropriate
Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Determines the appropriate
�xes that should resolve the
user issues
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
accounting for side effects and
rami�cations of following
through with hypotheses to get
to a solution
Does not attempt criterion 15
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Implement the Fix Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Explains how to implement the
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
sharing whether the course of
action was successful and, if
not, explaining plans for
Does not attempt criterion 20
Articulation of Response Exceeds pro�ciency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstrating an
understanding of audience and
Shows progress toward
pro�ciency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, negatively
impacting readability
Submission has critical errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preventing
understanding of ideas
Total: 100%
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