NURS 4033 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Article Appraisal
100 points for the appraisal grade; the grade counts as 20% of the course grade
INSTRUCTIONS · · · · · ·
Student’s name:
Which article did you select? Provide the authors last names, year, and topic of the study.
1. In the first part of the article, what statistics did the researchers cite for why the topic of the study was important? What other reasons did the researchers give for why the topic was significant? (10 points)
2. What was the statement of the research problem (gap in what is known)? (10 points)
3. What was the study’s purpose? (5 points)
4. What study design or type of study did the researchers say they implemented? (5 points)
5. Compare the label the researchers used to describe the study to the types of designs in our book and presentations. Was the study a descriptive, correlation, quasi-experimental, and experimental design? (10 points)
6. What was one variable that was measured by the researchers? (5 points)
7. The variable identified above was measured using what specific method (piece of equipment, instrument, tool)? What information did the researchers provide about the reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) or precision (only for equipment) of the measurement method (10 points)
8. List the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the sample. (5 points)
9. What percentage of the sample was comprised of women? (5 points)
10. Use the limitations identified by the researchers to determine one threat to internal or external validity. (10 points)
11. What were the recommendations for future research? (5 points)
12. What were the implications for practice (5 points)
13. State the study’s conclusions- what was learned? (5 points)
14. List at least 2 specific questions that you would like to ask the researchers about the article. (10 points)
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