Of all the topics discussed in this course, what were the most interesting, striking or shocking to you? Which topic will stay with you? Please describe at least ONE topic, the associated data, and why it made a personal impact on you. Please choose one of the areas below: Work-family benefits (family leave; sick leave; health insurance and other benefits) Workers’ rights in regards to how they impact families (job insecurity, inadequate benefits etc.) Needs of children and families with children Women in families Racial and ethnic inequalities Aging and families Representations of men, women, children and relationships in the mass media; Prevention of family violence (intimate partner, child and elder abuse) What kind of solutions are possible to the problem you have identified? Please refer to course materials or do independent research to identify solutions. What can you personally do to improve these conditions? Would you volunteer, educate others about this issue, become politically active? Please do some research on non-profit, non-governmental agencies (NGOs) working on this issue, and name and discuss the mission of at least ONE such agency. Would you consider volunteering with such an agency? Please name at least ONE thing you can do to ameliorate this problem (this could include educating others on the topic).
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