TCAP Components #1:Classroom Report & # 2:Professional Review, Self-Evaluation
Review the materials in Module 1: Learning Activities . REVIEW THE RUBRIC! Then consider your first teaching experience and your reflections and goal setting from Visions of Practice from you Field and Practicum I Course ( EDSN 682 Module 11) and from Observation Feedback ( EDSN 682 Module 8) . What were you able to plan and implement in your teaching to support student learning since completing EDSN 682?
Pinpoint two specific areas of strength (reinforcement) and two specific areas for improvement (refinement) related to your instruction and delivery skills. In other words, what do you do well, and what do you need to improve as related to your teaching? What do you want to know and be able to do from a pedagogical lens by the end of this course? (see Touro GSE Practicum Observation Rubric Domains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ).
You will have opportunities to demonstrate your growth and development throughout this course. You will also have opportunities to refer to these responses and revise them as you grow throughout the semester. This professional pedagogical response will also be used in your final paper “Looking Backward/Looking Forward”.
In your response,
· be thoughtful and thorough
· use academic languageLinks to an external site.
· state your ideas clearly and provide rationale for your responses by referencing previous course work, the Module 1 readings and the following Touro GSE CLOs :
· Professional Commitment to Action
· Discipline Knowledge and Skills
· Equity and Access
Your response should be limited to no more than 500 words double spaced, typed (two pages).
TCAP Components #1:Classroom Report & # 2:Professional Review, Self-Evaluation
Grading Rubric: Professional Pedagogical Response
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