Diagnosis Paper Instructions
The purpose of the paper is you to think critically about mental health disorders, to obtain an indepth understanding of a topic of interest, and to practice using APA referencing style. The paper will be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages (not including title page or references), with 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font and will include a minimum of 2 references. One of those references must be the DSM-V. The second reference must be a peer-reviewed source (not a sources like Wikipedia, Verywellmind.com and other random internet sources/websites). In-text citations and the references section must be in APA format. You may not use direct quotes from sources – all information must be paraphrased and correctly cited using APA format.
Psychological disorders are often portrayed in the media, and some portrayals are more accurate than others. For this option, you will write a critical analysis of a TV, movie, or book character portraying someone with a psychological disorder (see Blackboard for a list of options). You will discuss the accuracy of the portrayal in relation to the diagnostic criteria and clinical picture of the disorder. If the diagnosis is not explicitly stated, you may provide your own diagnostic opinion by stating which diagnostic criteria the character meets.
Your paper should include:
1. Descriptions of the behavioral, cognitive, and/or emotional symptoms presented by the character, and a brief review of the diagnostic criteria of the disorder. If the character does not meet all criteria for a diagnosis, be sure to talk about this. Use the DSM–V in this link or search through the library.
2. If the character is receiving treatment for their disorder, a critique of the treatment should be included. If they are not receiving treatment, give your opinion on treatment options and prognosis.
3. A discussion of the positive and negative implications of this portrayal for the general audience with respect to understanding mental disorders.
This assignment must be submitted in Word or Pages format (not PDF).
If you’d like, you may turn in a draft by November 15, 2023 to get my feedback. Your final paper must be submitted on Blackboard by 11:59pm, Eastern time on November 25, 2023.
Below Expectations
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Does not
clearly describe the symptoms/diagnosis based on DSM V criteria. Does not tie
symptoms/diagnosis to specific examples from the show/movie. Does not explain
why character does/does not meet criteria.
0 – 2
Some of the symptoms of a
disorder are described based on some DSM-V criteria. May not provide direct
examples tying criteria to the character. May not explain which symptoms are
6 – 15
Most symptoms of a disorder
are clearly outlined and described using DSM-V criteria and few examples are
given of how the character displays these symptoms/meets criteria and/or
which symptoms are absent.
16 – 20
All symptoms of a disorder
are clearly outlined and described using DSM-V criteria and sufficient
examples are given of how character meets or does not meet criteria.
21 – 25
Does not
mention treatment.
0 – 5
touches on treatment but not grounded on concepts learned in class or
clinically proven treatments.
6 – 15
some/parts of treatment in show/movie or starts exploring treatment options,
but not as thoroughly or not based on learned concepts.
16 – 20
critiques treatment in show/movie based on learned concepts or explores
treatment options if client is not in treatment.
21 – 25
Does not discuss the
positive and negative implications of character’s portrayal of the disorder
for the general
audience with respect to
understanding mental disorders.
0 – 5
discussion of the positive and negative implications of character’s portrayal
of the disorder with respect to understanding mental disorders.
6 – 10
discussion of the positive and negative implications of character’s portrayal
of the disorder with respect to understanding mental disorders.
11 – 15
discussion of the positive and negative implications of character’s portrayal
of the disorder with respect to understanding mental disorders.
16 – 20
Not well-organized;
weak transitions; argument confusing to follow.
0 – 2
well-organized or good transitions (not both); argument somewhat confusing.
3 – 5
well-organized with good transitions;
argument easily followed.
6 – 8
Very well
organized with solid transitions; argument easily followed.
9 – 10
Missing 3 or more of the
following: Cover page, reference page, correct use of APA, double-spaced,
1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font.
0 – 2
two of the following: Cover page, reference page, correct use of APA,
doublespaced, 1-inch margins, 12point Times New Roman font.
3 – 5
one of the following: Cover page, reference page, correct use of APA,
double-spaced, 1inch margins, 12-point
Times New
Roman font.
6 – 8
All the following included:
Cover page, reference page, correct use of APA, doublespaced, 1-inch margins,
12point Times New Roman font.
8 – 10
Many (10+)
grammatical punctuation, and spelling errors that significantly detract from
reading the paper. Basic sentence structure often includes poor structure
(e.g., run-on sentences).
0 – 2
Several (5
– 10) grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors, but overall they do
not detract too much from reading the paper. Basic sentence structure is
acceptable (e.g., avoids run-on sentences, sentence structure is solid).
3 – 5
Few (less
than 5) grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors, but overall they do
not detract too much from reading the paper. Basic sentence structure is
acceptable (e.g., avoids run-on sentences, sentence structure is solid).
6 – 8
punctuation, and spelling errors are RARE (1 – 2) and do not detract from
reading the paper. Basic sentence structure is good (e.g., avoids run-on
sentences, sentence structure is solid).
8 – 10
Total Possible Points
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