This assignment encourages you to reflect on the theory you have learned and how this applies to your own lived experiences. You will be deconstructing your own perspectives on organisations. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the theory and how it manifests in the real world. It also encourages the development of self-knowledge and will help you begin to understand your own assumptions and biases. Self-knowledge is vital if you are to: achieve your potential; choose a sector and career pathway that aligns with your interests and values; become a self-aware, open-minded contributor to the organisations in which you work. Self-knowledge is also crucial in organisational contexts where you may be required to complete self-appraisals and take responsibility for your own development.
To complete this assignment, you will need to understand the four paradigms, where they sit within Burrell & Morgan’s typology, and the features of these paradigms.
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Assessment Details
Reflecting on your understanding of formal organisations and the four paradigms, identify the paradigm that best represents your current world view and shapes the way you see the world and interact with organisations. Explain to us why you believe you are (for example) a radical humanist. Your explanation must justify your perspective in three key ways:
- You need to demonstrate that you understand the features of the paradigm that most shapes the way you see the world and interact with organisations and society;
- You need to explain how these features present themselves in your own view of the world and how you interact with organisations and society;
- You need to give thought to your lived experiences and social conditioning, and conjecture as to why it is that you have come to be, for example, a radical humanist.
If you believe that your world view is reflective of two paradigms, you may make this case.
You are required to submit:
- An artefact;
- An autobiographical narrative.
First Submission Piece: Your Artefact
The artefact must be an original visual representation / symbol of how you see the world and interact with organisations. This might be:
- A short video you record (similar to an Instagram post; around three to five minutes)
- A photo you take
- A diagram you draw or compose (in an application of your choosing)
- A drawing, completed by you
- A collage or mashup. This may include pre-existing, copyright images, but:
- You must reference the name, creator, and source of all image/s.
- You may only use your collage or mashup for this study purpose. To use copyrighted work in a mashup or collage outside of research and study, you must ask the copyright holder for permission.
- You may not use AI to assist you.
- If you have other ideas as to how you wish to visually represent how you see the world, you MUST apply for pre-approval by your Course Coordinator two weeks prior to the due date of the assessment.
You only need to submit one artefact.
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Second Submission Piece: Your Autobiographical Narrative
Your autobiographical narrative must be no more than 1,000 words and must not be any less than 700 words. The artefact and the narrative should combine to be more than the sum of each part. That is, the artefact should add value to and help us understand your narrative, and your narrative should add value to and help us understand your artefact. That is, without both parts working together to communicate your world view, your submission will be diminished, and this will be reflected in your grade.
The autobiographical narrative must:
- Be written in the first person and explicitly identify the paradigm with which you most closely identify.
- Demonstrate that you understand the features of that paradigm, and in particular the assumptions underpinning the two axes of Burrell & Morgan’s typology.
- Explain how the features of the paradigm present themselves in your own view of the world and how you interact with society and organisations around you.
- Explain how your lived experiences and social conditioning has come to shape you and the paradigm through which you see the world.
- Explain how your artefact represents your experiences and the features of the paradigm you relate to.
- Add value to our experience of the artefact you have produced.
Draw on the following THREE texts and be perfectly referenced. You must:
- Cite the Consolidation and Springboard readings
- Cite Burrell & Morgan
- Cite Hirschheim & Klein
As Organisations is sequenced as a first-year course in the Management & Change Major, we play an important role in preparing you to succeed in your ensuing courses. Our colleagues who teach your other courses expect us to train you properly, in terms of referencing, and to build your fundamental academic skills.
Please note:
- Even if you have yet to join the workforce, this will not limit your ability to perform well in this assessment. Recall the opening lecture, and how you learned that organisations are ubiquitous and intertwined with our lives, from birth until death. You have plenty of organisational experiences to draw on.
- Remember, too, that universities are large, complex organisations. Recall our first tutorial, when we asked you reflect on how you perceive university. This might be useful content for you to draw on.
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