PUBH 6033—Week 5 Assignment:
Steps to Hypotheses Testing
(Rubric included)
For this Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources, including the 5 step approach to hypothesis testing document. Read the research scenario, below, and then answer the questions related to the steps that must be followed to make the appropriate decision as to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Submit this Application Assignment by Day 7.
Research Scenario
µ = population mean
x̅ = sample mean
s = standard deviation
Note: Each response is worth 6 points
Step 1: Set up your hypothesis and determine the level of significance
1. In written format
2. In mathematical format
3. In written format
4. In mathematical format
5. Based on information in the scenario, what is the level of significance to be used?
Step 2: Select the appropriate test statistic
6. The appropriate test statistic for the above scenario is the one-sample z test. What is a Z test? Describe why this is the appropriate test for the scenario?
Step 3: Set up the decision rule
7. Based on the level of significance you set in Step 1 (Question 5) and whether your alternative hypothesis is directional or non-directional, what is your decision rule? (In other words, what is your rejection region?)
Step 4: Compute the test statistic
8. Calculate the z statistic. Please show your work.
Step 5: Conclusion
Section below (scoring) is to be completed by Instructor
Scoring Rubric for Week 5 Assignment1.v1—Hypothesis Testing (60 points)
10 questions worth 6 points each
____ / 60 points possible
Initial Score (60 possible points):
Timeliness Factor (late points deducted):
Total Score (60 possible points):
Instructor comments: