Part 1:
For your main post, give the process that you are going to write (how-to, how-it-works, how-it-occurs), a summary of your topic, and the thesis statement for your paper. You are not required to reply to any classmates, but make sure that you come back and look at the feedback I leave for your thesis and topic. If you and another classmate are writing on the same thing, see what feedback I left on their topic and thesis as well.
Example Topic and Thesis
Summary of Topic
Everybody needs to have a hobby that they can use to let go of stress and create something beautiful. Cross-stitching is a hobby that I was introduced to in junior high and have loved ever since. Though I do not have as much time to work with my patterns now as I did back then, it is still a calming feeling to work with the needle and thread and create something wonderful. This essay will teach you how to begin a cross-stitching project.
Thesis Statement
Cross-stitching is a relaxing hobby that can lead to something beautiful being created.
Part 2:
For this assignment, you will create an outline for your essay. Remember, that each step in your process should be a separate body paragraph. If a step is too short to make a full paragraph, you may combine it with another similar step. Please see the example below.
Cross-Stitching How-To Get Started
I. Introduction
A. What is cross-stitching? (Attention grabber, hobby explanation)
B. Thesis Statement
I. Cross-stitching is a relaxing hobby that can lead to something beautiful being created.
II. Step One: Find a pattern and get the materials
A. Using websites like, find a pattern that is interesting to you
B. Using the specifications on pattern, go to Hobby Lobby/Michael’s to get the thread, canvas, needles, and hoop you need
III. Step Two: Get Materials Prepared
A. After getting materials, you must prepare the thread and canvas
B. Print out pattern and count out spaces to begin block A
IV. Step Three: Let’s Cross-stitch!
A. Choose which color you are going to start with
B. Thread the needle and begin one row, go back to make X’s
C. Follow the pattern
V. Conclusion