6.3 Assignment. PowerPoint – Capstone Project
Getting Started
As you have throughout much of the psychology program, in this course you will continue to work on and refine your capstone project. Utilize your instructors’ suggestions, previous course assignments, and course readings, as well as any other sources that will help you more clearly define your project and its components. Consider, too, that since you are creating a narrated presentation in this assignment, you will be enhancing your professional speaking skills, which will contribute to improving your TED Talk video.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
• Design projects that promote personal and spiritual growth based on the research in contemporary positive psychology and life coaching.
• Enhance professional speaking skills.
Background Information
This narrated presentation assignment will enable you to put together your capstone project ideas in a different format, as well as practice your professional speaking skills. You will essentially be “selling” your Capstone Project to your instructor, so be persuasive, convincing, clear, and succinct. You can use the notes section of the presentation tool to enhance or elaborate on items on any of your slides. Use professional presentation tips and suggestions to create your narrated presentation. Practice, craft your message for your audience, be well organized, be yourself, use effective language, etc. Remember to smile! You are strongly encouraged to complete your narration and then have a trusted friend or colleague review it and offer suggestions to improve, and then re-record your narration before submitting it for instructor review and grading.