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WhatsApp Widget Part 2: Slide Presentation (Assignment 15)✓ Create a slide presentation informing us about your organization and client.✓ The format and organization are important and will affect - PWA

Part 2: Slide Presentation (Assignment 15)✓ Create a slide presentation informing us about your organization and client.✓ The format and organization are important and will affect

Part 2: Slide Presentation (Assignment 15)✓ Create a slide presentation informing us about your organization and client.✓ The format and organization are important and will affect your grade.✓ Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure will affect your grade.o Create a slide presentation informing us about your organization and client.o You must reflect on professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities as well as barriers,struggles, and changes to make for the future


Point system

___/10 Font, graphics, and colors are used in a way that allows for easy read.

HUS4321 Advanced Service Plan Project and Rubrics Revised 2024 Page 4 of 4___/10 Titles clearly relate to key information.___/40 Presents required information, and findings and conclusions are appropriate and in an organized manner.___/30 Presentation on professional, legal, and ethical responsibility are clearly delivered.___/10 Presentation has little to no misspelling or grammatical errors

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