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WhatsApp Widget Scenario 2: Heartrate&Caffeine.xlsx (14 points) A health sciences professor has gathered heartrate data at different points throughout th - PWA

Scenario 2: Heartrate&Caffeine.xlsx (14 points) A health sciences professor has gathered heartrate data at different points throughout th


Lab 2

Complete the tasks outlined below for each scenario. Be sure to carefully read and complete all parts of each scenario. Any topic covered in the course is fair game. Please use a different font color or highlight your responses. All JAMOVI output and responses should be uploaded as one single document. If you are not recording your responses in this document, then your final submission should be in the same order as this assignment and all scenarios/responses should be numbered.

If you work in a group (max 2 people): only upload one assignment and make sure both names are on the assignment.


***Symbols you may need: h2 , c2


Scenario 1: Music&Memory.xlsx (20 points)

Dr. Paige Turner wants to study whether the type of music students listen to while studying impacts their memory. She hypothesizes that classical music, pop music, and no music might lead to differing scores on a memory test. She randomly assigns 30 students to study a list of words in one of three conditions: one group listens to classical music while studying, another to pop music while studying, and the last group studies in silence. After studying, all participants take the same memory test where they are asked to try and remember as many words as possible.

1.     What is the independent variable? (2 points)

2.     What is the dependent variable? (2 points)

3.     Is the design between-subjects or within-subjects? Why? (4 points)

4.     What is the null hypothesis for this study? (2 points)

5.     What is the alternative hypothesis for this study? (2 points)

6.     Use the appropriate test to determine whether memory varies based on type of music and report your results in an APA-style sentence. (5 points)

7.     Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (3 points)

Scenario 2: Heartrate&Caffeine.xlsx (14 points)

A health sciences professor has gathered heartrate data at different points throughout the day (morning, afternoon, and night) from a group of participants. During the first day, participants have a caffeinated drink before each heartrate measurement. During the second day, the same participants have a non-caffeinated drink before each heartrate measurement. The professor is specifically interested in whether heartrate varies throughout the day if participants had caffeine before each measurement.

1.     Use the appropriate test to determine whether heartrate changes between morning, afternoon, and night after participants have caffeine and report your results in APA format. (10 pts)

2.     Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (4 pts)




Scenario 3: Money&Satisfaction.xlsx (15 points)

Dr. Anna Litical thinks that people who spend more money on holiday gifts for others are more satisfied with their holiday experience. She surveys 45 participants, asking them to report how much they spent on holiday gifts (in dollars) and to rate their overall holiday satisfaction on a scale from 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied).

1)     Open your file in JAMOVI and check your assumptions (in particular: bivariate normal distribution, potential linear relationship, no significant outlier, & homoscedasticity). Is it appropriate to run a correlation analysis? Be sure to explain your decision by addressing each of the assumptions. (3 points)

2)     If you think it is appropriate to run a correlation analysis, run the analysis and report your results in APA format. (5 points)

3)     Can you predict level of satisfaction based on the amount of money a person spent on presents? (4 points)

a.      If no, explain why.

b.     If yes:

                                                              i.     Run a regression analysis & report your regression line (line of best fit)

                                                            ii.     Predict level of satisfaction for someone who spent $200 on presents.  

4)     Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (3 points)



Scenario 4: StressData.xlsx (26 points)

Dr. McLovin wants to examine how different calming interventions and different administration formats impact stress. Participants came in and rated their stress (labeled “PreStress”) on a scale of 0 (no stress) to 15 (lots of stress). They were then assigned to complete one of three types of calming interventions for the next month: Mindfulness Meditation (labeled “mindful”), Relaxation Techniques (labeled “Relax”), or Interpretive Dance (labeled “Dance”). After a month, Dr. McLovin asked participants to again rate their stress on a scale of 0-15 (labeled “PostStress”). Some participants completed this intervention individually (labeled “Individual”) while other participants completed this intervention in a group setting (labeled “group’). Read the requirements for each analysis very carefully.

Part A

1.     For his first analysis, Dr. McLovin wants to know if post-intervention stress ratings for those who did interpretive dance individually were different from those who did dance in a group setting. Run the appropriate analysis and report your results in one APA-style sentence. (6 points)

2.     Using the Means and SDs, create an APA-style graph of post-intervention stress ratings for those who did interpretive dance individually and those who did dance in a group setting (8 points)

3.     Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (3 points)

Part B

1.     Dr. McLovin also wonders if there is an overall change in stress scores after an intervention compared to before an intervention. Use the appropriate test to determine if post-intervention stress scores differ from pre-intervention stress scores and report your results in one APA-style sentence.  (6 points)

2.     Provide a copy of your JAMOVI output (3 points)

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