SW 304: Generalist Practice II
University of Louisville
Kent School of Social Work
Assignment DescriptionS & Rubrics
Practice Portfolio
The practice portfolio will be compiled over the course of the semester and include brief essays and assignments to practice core skills. Each of these essays may be written in first person, and there is no required abstract or cover page. Other than these small modifications noted, APA formatting is required for all assignments. For assistance with APA style visit the following website: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html or contact the UofL Writing Center.
Practice portfolio entries will include the following:
Purpose of this assignment:
A combination of environmental, cultural, ethnic, gender, religious, geographical, and family influences helped to shape us into the individual we are today. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to critically reflect on these influences and how they impact your development as a social work professional. There are two main components:
Use the subsystems listed below to guide you in your discussion and format your paper using each as a separate heading.
Important Note: These essays are entirely confidential. Only the instructor will see them. Also, please do not provide details about you personally that you do not feel comfortable providing. Feel free to write in general terms.
You may write this essay using first person. An abstract and title page are not required. Other than these small modifications noted, APA formatting is required for this assignment.
The instructor will consider the following criteria for grading this paper:
Criteria | Comments and Points Earned | |
Application of critical thinking skills within the context of professional social work practice. Demonstrated by: | ||
Student completed an accurate and thorough self-assessment, critically evaluating themselves using the subsystems provided, including completion of the ACEs (.75 points). | ||
Student clearly addresses how their personal background and experiences, including ACEs score, will impact, or will likely impact work with individuals (.75 points). | ||
Student concretely addresses how they will protect the individuals with whom they workso that “who they are” and “what happened to them” will not negatively impact their ability to deliver compassionate and professional services (.75 points). | ||
Coherence | ||
The paper is clear, concise and formed of coherent sentences, thoughts and ideas are well-structured, there are no grammatical errors, and it is APA formatted (.75 points). | ||
Scholarship | ||
Use of scholarly sources as appropriate including citing required sources in order to demonstrate integration of the course reading with personal reflection. (1 point) |