Week 5 Discussion
Choose one oncogene or one cancer-promoting gene that is described in this week’s reading. Include a reference to that source in APA format.
Choose one gene that has not yet been described by other students and use the name of the gene as the title of your post.
1. In your own words, briefly describe how a protein is produced from this gene, what the role of that protein is, and how it relates to mitosis and cancer. If you need additional resources to do so, remember to include references.
2. Then search the Science Daily website, the UMGC library, or Google Scholar to find one article that is relevant to the gene you are describing. Share one interesting thing you learned from this article. Include a reference to the resource in APA format.
Reply to at least two other students’ posts, asking thought-provoking questions, adding new information, and/or correcting mistakes or misconceptions. Do you agree with the information your classmate has posted regarding the gene’s function and importance, as well as the mechanism of its loss of function? Why or why not?
Week 6 Discussion
Contains unread posts
Ends Feb 18
Must post first.
Routine cancer screenings are recommended by physicians and medical practitioners to inform patients who might have pre-dispositions or early signs of cancer.
Choose one of the screenings described in this week’s learning resources. Include a reference to at least one course resource in APA format.
1. In a couple of sentences, explain the screening method and the type of cancer it detects.
2. Search for one or more videos, newspaper articles, magazine articles, or scholarly articles about this screening method. Describe what you learned from this resource and discuss the pros and cons of the screening method. Include a citation in APA format.
Reply to at least two other students’ posts, asking thought-provoking questions, adding new information, or correcting mistakes or misconceptions. Do you agree with the information your classmate has posted regarding the pros and cons of this screening method? Why or why not?
Week 7 Discussion
Contains unread posts
Ends Feb 25
Must post first.
2. As we’ve learned over the past several weeks cancer isn’t just one disease. Each person’s cancer is unique and therefore understanding what makes their cancer unique can help doctors create a treatment plan that’s more personalized for them. In a few sentences, discuss how precise personalized medicine and molecular targeted therapy may be more efficient treatment options than traditional treatments. In your research for the public service announcement project, did you learn anything about personalized medicine being used to treat that specific type of cancer? If so, please include a brief description.
Use in-text citations and full references in APA format for all information sources used.
Reply to at least two other students’ posts, asking thought-provoking questions, adding new information, or correcting mistakes or misconceptions. Do you agree with their proposed changes to lifestyle and/or their thoughts on personalized medicine? Why or why not?
week 8
Step 5 – Refection Discussion – Public Service Announcement Project
Ends Mar 4
Must post first.
Step 5: Reflection Discussion (3%) – Week 8
Write a brief summary of what you learned from the public service announcement assignment, highlighting the top 3 most interesting things you learned, and what you found most challenging.
Also, do you believe that this project, along with the course readings, quizzes and weekly discussions helped you achieve the 3 course outcomes? Explain with at least one example.
You are welcome to share your assignment, or parts of it, with the class in your response, but you are not required to do so.