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WhatsApp Widget Watch the 2010 HBO film Temple Grandin and analyze the following aspects: 1. Person-first vs. Identity-first Language  • Note examples of how autism is referred to throughout the film (e.g. “person with  autism” vs. “autistic person”) - PWA

Watch the 2010 HBO film Temple Grandin and analyze the following aspects: 1. Person-first vs. Identity-first Language  • Note examples of how autism is referred to throughout the film (e.g. “person with  autism” vs. “autistic person”)


The purpose of this assignment is to engage students in a critical analysis of the film  “Temple Grandin” through the lens of contemporary disability studies and inclusive practices.  Through this analysis, students will enhance their critical thinking skills, deepen their  understanding of neurodiversity and inclusive practices, and develop a more nuanced perspective  on supporting individuals’ neurodevelopmental differences. This assignment aims to foster  empathy, challenge preconceptions, and prepare students to be more inclusive and supportive  professionals in their future careers. 


Watch the 2010 HBO film Temple Grandin and analyze the following aspects:

1. Person-first vs. Identity-first Language 
• Note examples of how autism is referred to throughout the film (e.g. “person with  autism” vs. “autistic person”) 
• Analyze the implications and impact of the language choices 

2. Inclusive Practices and Supports 
• Identify supportive practices, accommodations, or inclusive approaches used by  Temple’s family, teachers, and mentors 
• Evaluate their effectiveness in supporting Temple’s growth and success 
• Provide an additional current-day practice, support or strategy that you would  recommend to support Temple in living an inclusive life. 

3. Presuming Competence 
• Analyze scenes where characters presume Temple’s competence and scenes where  characters do not presume her competence 
• Discuss how presumptions about Temple’s abilities impact her opportunities and  development

4. Self-Determination 
• Identify examples of Temple exercising self-determination and advocating for  herself 
• Analyze how self-determination contributes to Temple’s achievements

5. Labels, Assumptions and Stereotypes 
• Note labels or stereotypes applied to Temple throughout the film 
• Analyze how these could have or did impact perceptions of her and her own self image

6. Developmental Impacts using SPLICES framework 
• Analyze Temple’s development through the lens of SPLICES: Social, Physical,  Language, Intellectual, Creative, Emotional, Spiritual, identifying areas of  strength as well as perceived areas of need/growth

7. Personal Reflection 
• Discuss how the film’s portrayal of autism aligns with or differs from current  understanding and best practices 
• Reflect on lessons learned about supporting neurodiversity and presuming  competence

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