The aim of this assessment is to assess your ability to consider the strategic implementation of a large-scale (in this case, global) HR/Talent analytics implementation, and demonstrate your decision-making expertise in such situations.
Boudreau, J.W. (2010). IBM’s Global Talent Management Strategy: The Vision of the Globally Integrated Enterprise. Case Study Part A. Society for Human Resource Management.
Answer the following selection of case questions (“thorny dilemmas” on pp 12-14) to the best of your ability:
Your outputs for this assignment are both to produce a report of your answers totalling no more than 3,000 words as well as a 10-minute live summary presentation (typically PowerPoint or Google Slides type presentation).
Native Singapore Writers Team
In both the document and the presentation, provide specific choices and answers with respect to the thorny dilemmas, NOT alternative views without making choices.
Wherever possible, use research to back-up choices (with proper referencing in the document, referencing is not necessary in the presentation), but common sense is also applicable. In addition, do internet research on how this IBM system evolved since the case, which was set a long time ago. What happened with the system, and what lessons can you learn about applying such analytics systems?
Live presentation will be held during tutorial in Week 9, 2 August.
Submit your presentation slides and report (converted to PDF format) in the Dropbox in
Week 9, 2 August by 3pm.
More details may be provided in a supplementary guide note or during tutorials during the semester.
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