1. (15 points) After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, President Bush made clear that the invasion would not stand. His political policy statements identified four national strategic objectives:
1. Immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
2. Restoration of Kuwait’s legitimate government.
3. Security and stability of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf.
4. Safety and protection of the lives of American citizens abroad.
Identify which one of the four national strategic objectives listed above best supports the use of the military as the primary instrument of national power and establishes the military end state. Explain the rationale for your choice.
2. (15 points) Determine the Coalition’s military end state for DESERT STORM. Explain your rationale.
3. (10 points) Describe the set of problems / obstacles facing GEN Schwarzkopf and the Coalition during DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM to achieve the military end state.
4. (10 points) Select a primary problem / obstacle to attaining the Coalition’s military end state during DESERT STORM. Explain your choice.
5. (15 points) Justify the selection of the Republican Guard Force Command (RGFC) as an Iraqi operational CoG and analyze the Iraqi operational CoG using critical factor analysis that includes critical capabilities, critical requirements and critical vulnerabilities.
6. (15 points) One element of Operational Design is “Arranging Operations” which includes the factors of simultaneity, depth, timing, and tempo, and uses the tools of phasing, branches, sequels, and operational pauses. Describe at least four factors and / or tools with examples for “Arranging Operations” from the case study campaign design.
7. (15 points) Describe two additional elements of operational design (not described in previous answers) from the case study campaign design.
(5 points) Organization and style assessed in accordance with the CGSC standards for writing taught and assessed in lesson C172, and Leader Communication, ST 22-2.