What makes you you is your perspective. For instance, you have experiences that have shaped you as a person, experiences that have taught you right from wrong, and lessons. You have learned things you enjoy and will never do again.
Your identity is a combination of your behavioral and physical traits. Your identity is unique to you and makes you indistinguishable compared to others.
What is happening in this scenario? (the situation where he seems to be simultaneously on Earth and Mars.)
In this scenario, Derek Parfit believes he can be on Earth and Mars simultaneously, but he is nervous because what if he cannot be in two places simultaneously? He tries to leave his cubical by teletransport, but this time, there is a new scanner, and there is a problem with it because when on Mars, you will be fine, but when you are on Earth, you only have a few days before you die of some heart problem. He tells his clone on Mars about the bad news, and the clone tries to console him and tells him that the mar version will take care of everything and be him when he is gone.
Based on the content in the crash course video, we should not maintain our identity throughout our lives. This is because we are constantly changing. “Yes, we have the same body,” but it is reproduced continuously as in your cells. Your looks change over time, and the same with your consciousness, you learn lessons. You are not the same person you were when you were born. There is the body theory: since you remain in the same body from birth to death, personal identity persists over time. Then there is memory theory, which is that you retain different memories of yourself at various points, and each of those memories is connected to the one before. So, back to the main point of this question, whether or not I believe we maintain our identity, I say no, we do not.
The post What makes you?you?is your perspective. For instance, you have experiences that have shaped you as a person, experiences that have taught you right from wrong, and lessons. You have learned first appeared on Writeden.