Write an academic paper on the topic of ” The impact of the project manager in the process of project initiation.” It should be written as a thematic literature review.
Students should read and reference at least 10 peer reviewed publications to find 3 concepts that are discussed in the literature as impacting the project manager’s role in the process of project initiation.
Use the APA referencing style.
Times New Roman 12-point font, double lines spaced, left justified.
Introduction, main body, conclusion.
2000 words
2024_S1C_PMGT5858_ND Assignments Immersive Reader
Individual Academic Wri!ng 100 Points Possible
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4 A!empts Allowed
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Due: Sun Mar 17, 2024 23:59
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Assignment Brief:
Write an academic paper on the topic of ” The impact of the project manager in the process of project ini”a”on.”
Students should read and reference at least seven (7) peer reviewed publica”ons to find at least 3 (max 5) concepts that are discussed in the literature as impac”ng the project manager’s role in the process of project ini”a”on. These concepts can be wanted or unwanted personal a#ributes, managerial or technical skills, types of knowledge, organisa”onal structures or anything else that is discussed as impac”ng the project manager’s role in the process of project ini”a”on.
Your paper should be wri#en as a thema”c literature review. That is, a review of your cited literature discussing the topic, organised around what those publica”ons say about the concepts you have chosen. These are the themes of your literature review and your wri”ng should provide a focused overview and cri”cal analysis of how these themes are discussed in the cited publica”ons. Doing a thema”c analysis requires you to summarise what your cited literature says about the chosen topic and gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your narra”ve wri”ng skills in an academic context. A good thema”c literature review not only summarises what the cited authors have said about the topic, covering where they have agreed or disagreed on par”cular points, it does so clearly, concisely and effec”vely. It tells a story.
For this assignment, you will be required to u”lise your academic research skills to find peer reviewed academic literature (i.e. academic conference and/or journals papers and industry white papers, standards, etc.) on the assignment topic, as well as to evaluate and cri”cally appraise this literature for what it says about the topics of interest.
Cited publica”ons are best sourced from refereed journal ar”cles obtainable through the University of Sydney electronic library. The three main refereed journals in the discipline of project management are:
Interna!onal Journal of Project Management Project Management Journal Interna!onal Journal of Managing Projects in Business
In addi”on, many of the general management journals contain papers and ar”cles relevant to project management. The advantage of using journal papers as a source for your learning is that:
1. They are generally more current than many text books. 2. They are generally more comprehensive than many textbooks because the en”re paper is focused on a given topic. 3. They are generally very useful for follow-on references, publica”ons in their reference list that may provide a path to follow for more informa”on. 4. They provide a good model for you to develop your academic style of wri”ng and to provide you with an apprecia”on of the rigour, expected level
of details and requirements for academic wri”ng. 5. They provide hints and “ps on research methods and approaches.
This assessment is designed as an assessment for learning. As such, upon comple”on of this assignment, in addi”on to acquiring knowledge regarding the impact of the project Manager in the process of project ini”a”on, you should gain confidence in the learning process – that is, you would have “learned how to learn”.
Due Date: Sunday 17/03/2024 (5-day simple extension)
Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10% excluding references)
Format: Times New Roman 12-point font, double lines spaced, le% jus”fied. Submi#ed in pdf, doc, or docx on Canvas Include your name, student ID, and email on separate a front page in your submission. Abstracts or tables of contents are not required. The first paragraph should be an introduc”on explaining the topics chosen and the themes iden”fied. Your submission should end with a reference list.
Referencing Style: APA 7th (please double-check before downloading references through Endnote)
Referencing and other tools
Although you may use any referencing tools (e.g., Zotero.org). Endnotes is highly recommended as it is available for free from the university’s library. Refer to h#p://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/endnote for further informa”on and so%ware download.
Please use the APA referencing style (see: h#ps://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/cita”on/apa7).
Useful resources
Some useful sites that will help you in dra%ing your essay:
Online support:
University of Sydney postgraduate students can now receive early feedback and 24/7 study chat powered by Studiosity, a global leader in online study support. Studiosity is an online service that allows students to receive same-day feedback on dra% assessments or any piece of academic wri”ng. A Studiosity specialist will provide forma”ve and authen”c feedback, with students s”ll expected to cri”cally reflect on their own work (no proofreading, no ‘accept all changes’). studiosity-powerpoint-slide.pdf
On reading for academic purposes:
On wri”ng clearly:
Thinking cri”cally:
These are part of the Study Skills web resources available to students that also includes individual consulta”ons (through the Learning Hub).
Thema”c Analysis:
Writing your thematic li…
Model Assignments that achieved high marks.
Thema”c Literature Review 26.pdf
Thema”c Literature Review 32.pdf
Thema”c Literature Review 66.pdf
View Rubric
Lit Review Rubric PMGT5858
Criteria Ra”ngs Pts
Structure and organisa”on view longer descrip”on / 25 pts
Content view longer descrip”on / 30 pts
Wri#en Expression view longer descrip”on / 30 pts
Reference view longer descrip”on / 15 pts
Total Points: 0
25 to >21 pts High Dis”nc”on
Structure and organisa”on (intro/conclusio n, proposi”on and support) are fully appropriate and effec”ve for the topic; presenta”on of ideas extremely clear and coherent, suppor”ng strong line of argument.
21 to >18.5 pts Dis”nc”on
Structure and organisa”on (intro/conclusio n, proposi”on and support) are most appropriate and effec”ve for the topic; presenta”on of ideas is mostly clear and coherent, suppor”ng strong line of argument.
18.5 to >16 pts Credit
Structure and organisa”on (intro/conclusio n, proposi”on and support) are generally appropriate and related to the topic; presenta”on of ideas generally coherent and suppor”ng a clear line of argument.
16 to >12.3 pts Pass
Some but incomplete structure and organisa”on (intro/conclusio n, proposi”on and support) may not be adequately related to the topic; sequencing of ideas may lack logic and there may be no clear line or argument.
12.3 to >0 pts Fail
No clear and coherent structure or organisa”on evident.
30 to >25.2 pts High Dis”nc”on
The literature review is objec”ve and addresses iden”fied themes with an in depth analysis all the issues referred to in the proposed topic. The informa”on provided is necessary and sufficient for the discussion and there is evidence of sound suppor”ng research.
25.2 to >22.2 pts Dis”nc”on
The literature review is mostly objec”ve and addresses iden”fied themes with an in depth analysis. The informa”on provided is necessary and sufficient for the discussion and there is evidence of sound suppor”ng research.
22.2 to >19.2 pts Credit
The literature review is objec”ve and for the most part addresses the iden”fied themes with an in depth analysis most of the issues referred to in the proposed topic. The informa”on provided is necessary and sufficient for the discussion and there is evidence of suppor”ng research.
19.2 to >14.7 pts Pass
The literature review only par”ally addresses the topic with li#le iden”fica”on of themes or depth of analysis for most of the issues referred to in the proposed topic. The informa”on provided is only just adequate for the discussion and there is li#le evidence of suppor”ng research.
14.7 to >0 pts Fail
The literature review is not objec”ve and poorly or inadequately addresses the iden”fica”on of themes or issues referred to in the proposed topic. The informa”on provided is either not necessary or not adequate for the discussion and there is no evidence of suppor”ng research.
30 to >25.2 pts Dis”nc”on
Well wri#en from start to finish without spelling, grammar, or punctua”on errors. Well organised, clarity of ideas and a strong line of argument presented coherently.
25.2 to >22.2 pts Dis”nc”on
Well wri#en for the most part, with few, if any, spelling, grammar, or punctua”on errors. Generally, well organised, clarity of ideas, with a strong line of argument presented coherently.
22.2 to >19.2 pts Credit
Not par”cularly well wri#en but s”ll easy to read with some spelling, grammar, and punctua”on errors that are distrac”ng. Sequencing of ideas may lack logic and the line of argument may be unclear.
19.2 to >14.7 pts Pass
Not well wri#en but s”ll rela”vely easy to read with spelling, grammar, and punctua”on errors that are distrac”ng. Sequencing of ideas may lack logic and the line of argument may be unclear.
14.7 to >0 pts Fail
Not well wri#en. Contains many spelling, grammar, and punctua”on errors. This essay does not present ideas in a coherent way.
15 to >12.6 pts Dis”nc”on
All references used are relevant and of good/scholarly quality. The minimum number of references are used effec”vely. All reference sources used are correctly cited in-text and in the reference list in the appropriate referencing style.
12.6 to >11.1 pts Dis”nc”on
Almost all references used are relevant and of good/scholarly quality. The minimum number of references are used effec”vely. Most reference sources used are correctly cited in-text and in the reference list in the appropriate referencing style.
11.1 to >9.6 pts Credit
Most of the references used are relevant and of good/scholarly quality. The minimum number of references are used, in most cases, effec”vely. Most reference sources used are correctly cited in-text and in the reference list in the appropriate referencing style.
9.6 to >7.35 pts Pass
Only minimal use made of references and/or those used are not relevant and/or of poor or non- scholarly quality. Referenced sources used not always correctly cited in-text and in the bibliography/ref erence list using the appropriate referencing style.
7.35 to >0 pts No Marks
Sources may not be used or may be incorrectly cited or not referenced.
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