The Airport Security Program Research Paper is worth 30% of your grade. This is due in the 8.3 Research Project Part 1: Airport Security Program Research Paper.
Select a commercial airport (BOSTON LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT). Conduct a security review based on open-source information about the airport. Collect your information online or from a visit to the airport. Because of security issues at airports, you will not be able to obtain detailed information. Make an educated assumption as to what security the airport may or may not have. Based on what you learned in the course and what information you have obtained about the airport you selected, develop a written airport security Program as discussed in the Price & Forrest text and from your research.
The paper will be 10–15 pages. Use current APA formatting and include these items:
Cover pageTable of contentsAbstractBody of the reportAt least five references with in-text citations
The Airport Security Program Presentation is worth 25% of your grade. This is due in the 9.3 Research Project Part 2: Airport Security Program Presentation.
The narrated slide presentation will be a visual briefing and oral presentation of the Airport Security Program Research Paper.
Develop a slide briefing on the results of your research, including major components of your written Airport Security Program Research Paper. The presentation will have at least 15–20 narrated slides, including a cover and reference slides. Use current APA formatting and follow these guidelines:
Photos are encouraged to visually aid your findings.Include audio narration for all slides.Each slide must have in-text citations and references for all text and photos.The slides need to be free of spelling and grammar errors.
A printable document of this page’s information is available: SCTY 400 Airport Security Program Research Paper and Presentation.Download SCTY 400 Airport Security Program Research Paper and Presentation.
Please review both resources to assist you in your presentation:
The Media Hub, a multimedia resource guide/ERAU,Links to an external site. contains suggested software tools and resources you can use for your course activity. This link contains detailed instructions and resources for Canvas Studio/ERAU.Links to an external site.