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ICT 203 User Centred Design

ICT 203 User Centred Design:

ICT 203 User Centred Design

ICT 203 User Centred Design

Assignment 2 Individual Assignment Weightage 30%

1.  Aim

This ICT 203 User Centred Designs assessment will allow students to demonstrate the understanding of basic concepts of user requirements gathering and evaluating interfaces from a user design perspective. This assessment will also enable students to learn how to critique existing UX designs.

2.  Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assignment:

LO1. Apply an evidence-based approach to user-experience requirements elicitation, specification and evaluation.LO2. Plan, conduct, analyse and interpret the results of User Centred Design activities to model users, goals, tasks, system environment and domain.

LO3. Plan, conduct and document usability tests of software systems.

3.  Assignment Details

This ICT 203 User Centred Designs assignment carries 30% weightage and is to be done individually. The deadline to submit this assessment is 11:59pm on 14 January, 2024. There are two parts of this assignment.

Part A: You will choose any two online travel agencies (Skyscanner, Booking.com, Kayak, Expedia) and study their website design and user interface. You will critically analyse both these websites to list and describe 5 attractive design features in regard to accessibility, usability, design principles and engagement. You will identify 2 design features that can be improved for each website. You must provide brief and concise explanation of your answers. Word limit for Part A is 1000 words and it carries 10 marks.

Part B: Your task as a UX designer is to conduct user experience research for a company of your choice. You can choose any one of the following;

HospitalBankReal-estateFurniture store

Electronics Store

Users can use their smart phones, desktops and laptops to access the website of your chosen company. On the website, the users can perform any task like booking, buying, searching etc. You must interview at least four users and then create a User Persona. You must interview only your own classmates. You must then conduct competitive research and create a Lightning Demo that will consist of a Mood Board. You must attach interview questions in the appendix at the end of the report. Affinity mapping technique must be used to analyse data. Feel free to use Miro, Figma or any other tool and put screenshots in your report. You must provide brief

and concise explanation of your answers. Word limit for Part B is 1500 words and it carries 20 marks.

Marking Rubric (Total Marks: 30)

Part A  CriteriaHigh Distinction (85- 100%)Distinction (75-84%)Credit (65-74%)Pass (50-64%)Fail (0-49%)      Critical Analysis (6 Marks)Excellent analysis and description, important missing features recommended.Good analysis and description. Identified missing features.Good analysis. Identified missing features.Moderately analysed. Many missing features were not identified.Did not provide adequate analysis.    Two Design Features to improve on the Website (4 Marks)Correct number of important features selected and clearly explained.Correct number of features selected but explanation lacks some clarityAdequate number of features selected and explained.Minimum number of features chosen and explained.Very less features chosen and explanation is poor.Part B  User Interview Questions (5 Marks)Excellent question selection and structure.Very good question selection and structure.Good question selection and structure.Moderately good question selection and structure.Poor question selection and structure.Data Analysis using Affinity Mapping (5 marks)Excellent data analysis.Very Good data analysis.Good data analysis.Moderately good data analysis.Poor data analysis.  User Persona (5 Marks)Excellent design of user persona.Very good design of user persona.Good design of user persona.Moderately good design of user persona.Poor design of user persona.Lightning Demo (Creation of Mood Board) (5 Marks)Excellent creation of Mood Board.Very Good creation of Mood Board.Good creation of Mood Board.Moderately good creation of Mood Board.Poor creation of Mood Board.ICT 203 User Centred Designs


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