1. Forming a group
You are required to form a group of 3 or 4 students. Group members do not need to come from the same study discipline. In fact, the multidisciplinary group is encouraged so cross discipline learning can be developed among the students. You are encouraged to form/find a group as soon as possible.
Once you have formed a group, please use the Group Sign-Up tool on Canvas to register yourself for the group. If you have not formed a group, you will be assigned to a group on Monday 18 March 2024.
Important: In the final assignment report, each group will be required to allocate the percentages of contributions for each of its members. In the case that the percentages of contribution are unequal, individual marks will be adjusted accordingly.
2. The Hypotheical Case Study
This assignment requires you to consider how you would undertake the hypothetical project provided. The following Case Study has been developed for this course to allow you to use the concepts explored during the lectures and tutorials.
Scenario: You intend to start a flight school, the council will has offered a 99 year lease on a plot of land adjacent to the airport at a cost of $1pa as they believe a flight school will be beneficial to the community, you may choose any one of the three plots (A, B, or C). You are not the only operator who wants to take advantage of this generous offer so the council has requested that all bidders submit a project proposal for the future flight school.
Plot A is smaller than the others but has an existing hangar suitable for your needs and the whole plot has been cleared.
Plot B is significantly larger than A and has access to the taxi area but the land has not been cleared.
Plot C has its own dedicated access to the runways and is the largest but has also not been cleared.
This assessment is designed to expose you to a range of project management issues in the context of small, and relatively simple projects. This hypothetical case study is intentionally broad as the course is multi-disciplinary. You are not expected to go into minute detail on aspects of engineering, aviation, utility management, etc. You have a finite word limit in which the goal is to convince the reader (the hypothetical council) that you have a reasonable plan on how to address the needs listed below.
Presentation, clarity, and accuracy are all critical and this will require a trade off of some precision. Project management is an iterative process and this initial proposal needs only to address issues at a high level i.e. The size, location, cost, and type of carpark (gravel, bitumen, covered, etc) is relevant but the detail about the runoff angle, or the type of gravel chosen is not.
The proposal must address the following needs:
• A hangar suitable for housing 2 x Cessna 182 aircraft.
• A classroom suitable for 20 students.
• Accommodation options for 20 students.
• Basic kitchen.
• Appropriate bathroom facilities.
• Parking space for 20 vehicles.
• Aircraft refueling area
• Utilities (power, water, and sewerage can be off-grid or accessed from the road.)
3. Writing your proposal
Each group must provide (on the report’s cover page), the course code, course name, group name, group members, and the contribution percentage of all members. The contribution % must add up to 100%.
Your proposal must include the following key items:
1. Project selection and project scope
2. A work breakdown structure (WBS)
3. A Gannt chart or network diagram
4. Stakeholder analysis including a graphical representation such as a stakeholder matrix.
Style and format:
• The word count is 1800 words +- 10%, excluding table of contents and footnotes. • You must use a consistent and professional formatting style.
• You must have a table of contents with the headings/sub-headings.
• A summary/conclusion is not required in this assessment report.
• The appearance of your report must be professional, clean and consistent from start to end.
• The report must have a high quality of writing (clarity, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) and quality diagrams/illustrations.
• This assignment is professional, so we don’t use academic referencing. However, you are to use Footnote citations1 where required.
DUE DATE: 26 April 2024
4. Submission
Each group must submit only one electronic copy of the assignment via online submission point on the assessment folder. The submission point will be available on L@G approximately one week prior to the assignment due date.
5. Late submission
An assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension from the course convenor, will be penalised. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the assessment item by 10% of the maximum mark applicable for the assessment item, for each day or part-day that the item is late. Weekends count as one day in determining the penalty. Assessment items submitted more than five days after the due date are awarded zero marks.